Part 36

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Tae is watching a previous football game with Tan,they both missed the game because they didn't have time to watch it live. Watching the rerun is also fun since they already know who won the game.

Tan is focused on the game while eating popcorn but Tae can't pay full attention since he is waiting for a good night's text from Tee. Tee promised to text him, he also feels something is wrong that he can't feel calm at heart.

"Phi, if you want to stare at your phone you can go to your room" Tan can't take it anymore, his brother is ruining his attention.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for Tee to text me"

Tan sighs, he is thinking his brother is clinging at Tee too much. He knows this is his brother's first serious relationship but he can't bear to see this clinginess.

"You will see him tomorrow" comments Tan.

"I know but tonight he is having dinner at his father's. He will see James"

Tan finally understand why his brother can't sit still. To be honest he doesn't like James too when he knows what James had done to Tee. Cheaters left a bad taste in his mouth but because of them cheaters he met his true love.

"I'm sure he will text you soon" replies Tan, he doesn't want to make Tae feels more trouble.

Tae nods his head and put his phone down, he returns to the game that is playing.

A few minutes later his phone lits up with a notification, he grabs it fast and smiling reading the name of his lover on the screen. He reads the text happily but feels something is wrong with it.

"It's Tee?" Ask Tan when Tae frowns at the phone.


"Shouldn't you be happy? You are waiting for his text" Tan is confused with Tae's reaction.

"He said he is coming" replies Tae feels more unsettled now.

Tan stops watching and looks at Tae, he also thinks it's weird for Tee to want to come here this late. Tee is not someone who will do things without a reason.

"Did something happened at the dinner?" Ask Tae to no one but he replies to Tee an okey.

"Let's hope nothing bad happened" prays Tan.

They are waiting for Tee's arrival, Tae can't sit still and standing at the front door waiting. Tan just wait inside in case Tee needs him or anything.

A taxi stop at the front gate and Tae walks to the gate first. Tee gets out from the taxi after paying the driver. Tee can't stop his lips from smiling when he sees Tae.

Tae opens the gate and Tee comes to hug him first. Tae let Tee hugs him and wraps his arm on the smaller man.

"I miss you" mutters Tae and Tee said the same sentence.

"Tee" Tan greets Tee with a big smile. Tee let go of the hug and wave to Tan. He feels a bit shy letting Tan see him hugging Tae.

"Let's talk inside, it's start to rain" tiny rain droplets start to fall from the sky, they did get a cast that it's raining tonight.

When they are all inside, Tae can't leave Tee's side because he knows something happened and Tee still not ready to tell him yet. Tan serve three of them hot chocolate.

"I will let you both to talk, let's catch up later" Tan wants to leave the couple to talk. Maybe they want to have a private time together.

"It's okay Tan, you can stay. My father, he wants to end his marriage" Tee just share that news, he doesn't know how to say about it

Tae and Tan are a little surprise with the news since they didn't know much about Tee's family.

"It's okay. I think your father already think everything thoroughly."

"I hope so, I know he felt sorry for what happened between me, James and Nin. I hope it's not part of the reason he is deciding a divorce"

"Tee, stop thinking like that. You know your father better than us. He is doing this his and your happiness. Don't think so much" Tan doesn't want to think about this matter badly. A divorce is not always the worst decision, maybe it is the best way.

Tee told them that his father will give the house to them and other assets too. His father wants to cut ties totally with them to start a new life. Here, Tae and Tan a little bit disagree because they think Tee and his father has the right to the assets too but Tee said he agree with his father. He doesn't want to get involved with them anymore

"Tee, if you want that house, we will buy it from them. No matter what price they put we will buy it" Tae thinks Tee is upset for losing the house since it was his childhood house. Tan also agree with Tae to buy that house too.

Tee chuckles with their good intentions but he shakes his head. It's not about the house it's about how James treated him like all he wants is money. He doesn't want to tell Tae that or else they might fight later on. Tee also doesn't want to ruin Nin's happiness.

"I'm sad losing the house but I don't want to stay there anymore. I just want to share this with you, that's all" Tee leans to Tae's side, he needs the comfort because he knows Tae will do anything for him and he wants to stop thinking about James.

"Tee, just tell mae which house you want to buy so that we can show off to them. We can give a castle for you!" Tan is ready to fight now, he wants to show them that Tee is their family and they are happy with Tee.

Tee laughs a little, he doesn't want to show off anything. He only hope they will leave him and his father alone after this.

"I just don't want to get involved with them anymore. That's all"

"Phi, can't we stop working with James's family? We can find another suppliers" suggest Tan.

"No. Phi, you shouldn't involve private matters with business. Don't do that" Tee really doesn't want his matter involved with Tae's business, it will affect everyone not just James's family but also the workers who works there.

"I won't do that, they are good clients and as long as they didn't involve private matters I will continue working with them. I think you need shower and good rest, go take shower in my room first. Your shirts and everything you need are in the closet" said Tae to Tee. Tee smiles and excuse himself to take shower.

When Tee enter the room Tan start rambling saying he hates James gut so much. He still remembers the day when he first met Tee accidentally and listened to what Tee told him about James.

"Can't por do something about James?" Ask Tan still unsatisfied to just let them happy.

"We are doing business with his father. Trust me, mae and por want to stop doing business with them too but we have contract with them. I also want to stop but Tee told me it will effect others too, not just James and his family. They did clean and good jobs, thanks to their worker. Just imagine if things like that happened to us, how many our staffs can't feed their family? We need to be realistic"

Tan sighs, he knows it's the truth but he still want to do something to James, maybe a punch will make him satisfied.

"Don't go doing something stupid, if they leave Tee and his father alone, we should let them be. But, if any of them still try to disturb Tee, I will not stay still. I promise you that" said Tae, he also wants to do something to Tee but he knows Tee won't be happy if he did it.

"Tee is too kind" Tan sighs frustrated. Tee laughs at that and he can't agree more.

"That's why I fall for him. He is an angel"

"I'm going to sleep, good night" Tae leaves Tan and climbs the stairs to his room. He knows he can't buy Tee with money or wealth, he only can shows Tee his love and heals Tee with his love. Only his love what Tee needs.

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