Part 11

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Tee tries to put a smile on his face but he can't do it,he can't force himself to fake a smile to try to be happy when his heart is bleeding inside.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve this pain?" Tee hates seeing how miserable he looks in the mirror,he hates to admit that he needs to accept his fate and pain.

"Son, you don't have to go" Brem, Tee's father walks to Tee slowly. He saw Tee trying his best to act normal in front of the mirror. He doesn't want to see his son in pain like this but there is nothing he can do.

"I don't want to go por but I don't want to act weak in front of them" Tee hugs his father. He needs the strength to go through tonight, today is the wedding of James and Nin after all and as a family he needs to be there.

"You don't have to go Tee, no one has the right to call you weak or anything,they are not in your shoes. They can say whatever they want" Brem rubs Tee's back softly. He wants to hit James for hurting his son like this. Tee is the kindest human, why people hurt his son like this.

"It's okay por. I will show my face a little and then I will leave. Thank you for being with me now" Tee feels a little better but he knows it won't last long.

Brem just nods his head, he only can pray to god to make his son strong and happy.

The drive to the wedding is very quiet until Tee realises where they are, he knows this hotel very much, it's his work place.

"No way, the hall, it's their wedding?" Tee regrets helping with the preparation of the hall. He saw the hall accidentally today and it's really beautiful and gorgeous.

"You say something son?" Ask Brem, he thought he heard Tee said something in the car.

"Nothing por. Let's go" Tee paid for the taxi and he helped his father to walk with him. Brem is not well and he needs his stick to walk properly. He didn't come together with his wife because he wants to be with Tee

They are still an hour early because Brem needs to be at the front to greet guests and then walk Nin on the aisle. He is a stepfather but he is still a father to Nin and they are family.

Tee leaves his father at the door with his step mother and goes to his family's table. He saw Nin's family and he already hates it. They know about his relationship with James, James's family also knows about their relationship. They didn't tell the whole world but they didn't hide it from their family.

When Tee sits, he takes out and stares at his phone without greeting the family properly. He just smiles at them thinly and starts acting that he is okay.

He knows the family whispering among them about him, some even snickers at his luck. The audacity they have the gut to blame Tee became the third person in James and Nin's relationship.

Tee ignores them, he keeps replying to Kit and Farm's text, they keep him away from negative thoughts and distract him from the wedding.

After the MC starts the ceremony everyone is very excited and happy. Tee can't see the stage since he sits opposite it,he doesn't even want to look at the groom and bride. He focuses on his phone.

The wedding went smoothly, Tee can't wait to leave the hall, he doesn't want to be here anymore.

"Now is the time for the groom to make a vow" said the mc cheerfully.

Tee thinks it's his time to leave,he doesn't want to hear anything from James's mouth. Tee wakes up slowly, it's a little dark since the light is focused on the groom and bride.

"I love you so much and I'm so lucky to meet you"

Tee feels his legs growing hearing that but he forces himself to keep going to the door.

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