Part 40

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Everything going on very well now, everyone has their own partners and goals in their life. It's true that there is always rainbow after the rain. Everyone is happy, that's all what Tee prays every day.

Kim and Kit are still on the stage on knowing eachother better but he can see that they will be together officially soon, Kit just shy to say that clearly and he respect what Kit wants.

Tee also can't believe that he is in relationship now because he was traumatised enough with love but now he knows there is no love in betrayel so he just take his past as a experience in life. He now trust there is real love in this world and what Tae gives him is more than what he expect.

Tee just wants to has a normal relationship but what Tae gave to him is really beyond his imagination and his friends told him that is the real love. At first Tee is afraid to accept everything since he never get that kind of treatment from James but now he is really happy and knows what to give to Tae too. The real relationship comes with real loves. Tae heals him and he is really thankful.

"Tee" just hearing Tae calls him name this sweetly can make him feels very happy already, he can hear love in that.

"Yes phi?" Tee turns his body to face Tae, he is standing at the balcony watching the stars.

"It's cold tonight, don't stay out too long" Tae caress Tee's soft cheek, indeed the smooth skin already cold. Tee smiles and leans to the touch to get some warmth.

Tee pulls Tae's waist and hug his boyfriend happily, it's time for him to show some affections too, he can't always be the one to accept it right. Tae is a bit stun be he is more than happy when Tee make a first move. He returns the hug and caress Tee's back softly, the wind is cold tonight.

"It's warm like this" mutters Tee and Tae laughs happily. He can stay like this with Tee for hours.

"I also like it but mae and por want to talk to us"

"Okay. What's it about?" Ask Tee reluctantly release the hug, he just want to be with Tae today.

Tae chuckles and he can see the pout from his baby. He kiss Tee's forehead and pulls Tee's hand to walk with him to the living room.

"Maybe about our engagement party?" Tae and Tee already discussed about this matter and they both let the elders decide the date and everything. They will go with their decision.

"Oh, will it be soon?" Ask Tee now feelings nervous.

"I don't know too, don't you like it if it's sooner?" Ask Tae trying to know if Tee is not comfortable about this thing yet, he wants Tee to be happy so he will do anything that he can to achieve that

"I don't mind but I'm a bit nervous. You know, once I become your fiance some things will change" Tee is thinking about his job, even right now his colleague started to know him as Tae's boyfriend, it will be weird for a while.

"Our status will change but we will go through it together."

"Yeah. Will it be okay if I continue working there, you know, my job is just a maintainer"

"Love, I don't care about that and my family don't care about it too. Please don't think lowly of you" Tae already remind Tee about this matter, he doesn't want Tee to be so humble and think negatively about that.

"Phi, I'm not comparing us or anything but it will be a bit weird right? A CEO's fiance is a maintainer?"

"It's not weird at all, it sounds sexy to me" Tae laughs when Tee hits his chest, he doesn't lie though, Tee looks good in his jumper.

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