Part 6

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Tae just done with his morning jog when he saw his parent's car at his house. He regretted his decision to take the kid to his house last night because he can tell Lisa already told his mother about what happened. His mother won't let him go easily, not untill she is satisfied with the answer given.

"Por, Mae" Tae greets his parent politely. He is not ready to face his mother but there is nothing else he can do right now.

"You have something to tell me?" Ask Ying dead serious.

"Let me take a shower first mae" Tae try to get out from the situation,he really doesn't want to play interrogation game with his mom right now.

"No! Sit down my beloved middle son" ask Ying with gritted teeth. Tae knows he is doomed when his mom called him like that.

Tae looks at his calm father asking for help. He needs to be ready to face his mom.

"Let him take shower first. He sweat a lot" Han just stating the truth,he is not trying to help Tae.

Tae smiles triumphantly and practically running to his bedroom to refresh himself. He will has time to thinks what he should answer to his mae.

Tae can't escape from his mother's interrogation so no matter how many excuses he tries to make it will not satisfy his mother. Ying still wants to know who the boy Tae took home last night.

"Mae, he is no one. He was drunk, so do I. I can't even remember how I got home last night" Tae is lying because he doesn't want to answer more questions besides he really doesn't know who he took home last night but he still remembers the face

"I know you, son and I know you won't do anything like that" it's true too,this is the very first time Tae took someone to his house, inside his room and on his bed.

"Por, please tell mae that is the truth. I can't even ask the kid anything because he left this house quietly. I can't even ask him his name" Tae is desperate to make his mother stop talking about it.

"Khun mae, I trust our son and I think you should trust him too. If he is dating someone I'm sure he will take that person to see us" Tae smiles happily when his father takes his side.

"If you are afraid we will be angry you are dating a man then you are wrong. I don't mind you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend,as long as you are happy"

"Okay mae,por. Thank you for that but it's the truth, I'm not dating anyone now, a man or a woman,no one!" Tae still with his words making Ying has nothing else to say.

"Fine! I will believe you this time" Ying finally decided to stop asking Tae about that. Han only smiles watching his wife pouting. He trusts Tae but at the same time he is curious too.

Han knows his sons well, his eldest, Tae and the youngest too. Tae will not take anyone home especially strangers but Tae even let the stranger sleep on his bed. That's weird.

Han decided to stop thinking about it too and just trust that Tae was drunk and did something beyond his logic.

While Tae and Han are talking about their hotel business Ying went to look for Lisa to get more information

"I don't trust Tae. Ray must know something right?" Ying decided to call and ask Ray,Tae's driver about last night.

Lisa agree with her and they call Ray. Ray didn't tell them much just said that the boy is actually drunk and Tae also drunk too. Ray tries to cover Tae this time but at the same time he also thinks it's weird for Tae to take the stranger home.

"Maybe that's the truth khun" Lisa thinks it's about time they trust Tae because it's weird but no other proof.

"Did you see his face?"

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