Part 12

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Everything turned out well to Tee and his days getting better every day since the wedding of his ex boyfriend. He starts to move on very well and he makes a new friend too.

Never crossed his mind that he will become friends with the one he wants to run away from. He is now friends with Tan, they are close,like really close that they start hanging out together with Kit and Farm too. Four of them click together very well.

Tee didn't tell anyone that he already knows Tan is the one he has a past with because for him none of them remember well what happened that night so he decided to put it aside.

"Good morning khun" Tee greets Tae with a wide smile making Tae return the smile without he realises it.

Tee walks away after greeting Tae like how a staff member greets his boss, it makes Tae feel sad seeing Tee leaves just like that.


Tae already wants to go to his car because he has an important meeting with his client today when he hears the voice of his younger brother. He turns around only to see Tee is hugging Tan.

Tae is very surprised with what he is seeing at this moment.

He can't hear what they are talking happily about but he didn't know they knew each other.

"Khun, we need to go now" Ray informs Tae about their leaving, he needs to move now if they don't want to be late for the meeting.

"Phi Ray, Tan..." Tae doesn't know how to put what he saw into words but he still enters the car since he doesn't want to be late for the meeting.

"I don't know much but I think they are friends. I accidentally saw them hanging out together"


"I still follow Khun Lily if I have time. I know I already reported to you that she is not cheating behind Tan's back but my hut told me to investigate more. That's when I saw Tan and the kid hang out together" explains Ray to Tae.

"Just the two of them?" Ask Tae wants to know more,he is not Very happy with this news.

"I saw them once with two more boys, three of them work here except your brother"

"So they become a group of friends?"

"You can say that"

Tae leans on the car seat, he is thinking really hard right now. He knows Tan, Tan is not a person who easily makes friends.

Tae has hundreds of questions to  ask but it's not the right time now.

'Why do I feel bad?' Tae asked himself.


"All of us are working with your family, we can't do whatever we want like you" said Farm to Tan when Tas asked them to go to his fashion show. He joined a competition next week so he wants his friends to be with him.

"I know but can't you guys do something? No one will be there for me"

"How about your girlfriend and family?" Asked Kit.

"I've told you my father doesn't like it and I didn't tell them either. For my girlfriend, she said she can't make it" Tan is now pouting sadly.

Tee smiles looking at Tan, he looks cute even though he is tallest and biggest among them. Tan is still a baby inside.

"I will go" Tee already clears his schedule because he knows about the show earlier than Kit and Farm. Tan told him about joining the competition and he wants to be there to support Tan.

Tan hugs Tee tightly, he is really happy one of them can make it to the show. Kit looks at his phone and contacts  his friend to put an AL on that day. He is in the HR department so he can do that.

Farm makes a call to his supervisor, he walks far from them a little bit and talks seriously on the phone. After a few minutes he returned with a big smile on his face.

"We are going!" Cheers Farm happily and they make a group huh celebrating the good news.

After all the commotion everyone returned to their job and Tan also went back to his boutique.


Tee is done with his work for today, he wants to go to the night market to buy his dinner for tonight. He doesn't know what to eat so he will walk around the night market to see what catches his eyesight.

He is wearing his helmet when Tae walks to him, they always park their rides close to each other.

"Khun Darvid" Tee greets Tae with a smile and a small bow, he is still uncomfortable with Tae but he tries to act casual since he already decided to put the past in the past.

"Going home?" Ask Tae back, he actually wants to ask about Tee's relationship with his brother but he doesn't know how.

"Yes khun. You are going home too?" Ask Tee back as a polite gesture, where else are people going at this hour?

"Yes but before that I wanted to have my dinner first" How Tae wants to ask Tee to go out for dinner without making it unreal or scripted?

"Me too. I'm so lazy to cook today" Tee wants to leave so bad, it's really awkward between them.

"Do you know any good places around here? Maybe you can suggest a few to me" Tae tries to make it less obvious because he knows it will not be easy for him.

Tee thinks for a few seconds and then takes out his phone to show Tae something on the screen. He keeps notes for good restaurants on his phone according to areas. It will be easier for him and his friends to eat out together.

Tae is surprised but amazed at the same time, Tee writes it detailed and neat including the pin of the location. It makes him smile watching Tee is really enthusiastic explaining to him about a good place to eat.

"If you want to go for soup you should go here, the soup is the best and the portion can make you full till tomorrow!" Tee raises a thumbs up happily, he still remembers how the soups taste heavenly in his mouth. He wants to eat it again!

His stomach takes this chance to embarrass him in front of Tae, it grumbles loudly in front of his boss. Tee hits his own stomach for making such a huge sound.

Tae laughs at the epic sounds, he looks at Tee's redden face.

'he is cute' Tae unconsciously thinks that way. When he realises what he thinks he wants to slap him own head.

"I'm crazy" mutters Tae .

"Huh? Crazy?" Ask Tee when he heard Tae said that word.

"No! Hungry! I'm hungry" Tae rubs his face with a fake smile, this is no not him.

"Oh, so this is the address, you can take pictures. I need to go home too" Tee wants to leave now, talking about food making his stomach grumbles. He wants to eat something so bad.

"I don't think I can find this place. Come with me, I will treat your hungry tummy too" Tae wants to eat the soup but he doesn't want to go alone.

"Huh? But, I..."

"You are coming with me. Leave your bike here" Tae pulled Tee's hand, Tee just tag along dumbfounded till he arrived at the car. Tae even open the car's door and push him on the passenger seat.

"But, I want,"

"You are the one who suggested the restaurant for me, it will be rude if I don't treat you too" Tae starts the car and drives out of the parking lot.

Tee is speechless but he keeps showing the road to Tae. He wants to protest but can't, Tae is his boss and he will has dinner with his boss just because he suggested a good restaurant for him

'I will get free food. Everyone loves free food, Tee pats himself to follow the flow and accept this weird fate. Maybe nothing bad will happen and he can go home happily with happy stomach.

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