Part 41

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Tae brings Tee to try their engagement suit, Ying already makes the appointments for them to come today and it's a little bit exaggerated because Ying rents the whole day just for them to try the suit.

Later, their other families will come and try their suits too, Ying will be the one who pays for everyone including Tee's friends. They are basically family now.

"What colour do you like Tee?" Ask Tae while looking around, he is really excited to see Tee wear everything they have here, it will be really good on Tee's body.

"Aren't we supposed to wear black phi?" Ask Tee because as he remembers, they commonly wear black at the event like that.

"Nah, it's old to follow the tradition. We can wear any colour" Tae smiles to Tee fondly. Tae pulls Tee to stand in front of him and touches the suits hanging. Tee smiles a little, this is the first time he has a chance to choose a good suit for himself.

"I like this colour" Tae holds the suit coloured dark brown, very dark close to black but the shiny part reflects the brown colour, even the design is good.

Tee also likes that one, he doesn't know much because he rarely wears it but for Tae he almost wears it daily at work.

"I like this colour too" Tee agrees with Tae's choice.

"Khun, can we see every pattern for this colour?" Tae asks for the helper to help them.

"Khrub Khun, please wait a minute"

Tae pulls Tee to sit on the sofa while waiting, they also watch a few in the magazine, Tee really can't tell which one is better because everything looks good in his eyes.

"Phi Tae, I will agree with anything you choose. I think everything looks great" said Tee already and feels dizzy with so much choice, Tae chuckles and nods his head.

The suits arrived and indeed everything is very gorgeous. Tae asks Tee to try a few and Tee just does it without asking much. Tae has fun dressing Tee like this and he wants to buy everything for Tee because everything looks really good on him.

'I want to go home' Tee wants to go home so bad when he is in the changing room for the eleventh time. Tee doesn't want to go shopping with Tae anymore.

Tae is waiting outside for Tee but it's been so long and he started to worry if anything happened to Tee. He knocks on the door calling for Tee softly.

"Tee" Tae calls for the second time when there is no reply.

"Tee, I'm coming" Tae opens the door, it's unlocked and he can see Tee sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

"Love, are you okay?" Tae sits in front of Tee and touches Tee softly. He is really worried now. When he touches Tee's face he can see the eyes are red. What happened?

"I'm sorry phi Tae, but I'm really tired. I can't change anymore" Tee almost sobs and his eyes start watering.

Tae is shocked but he wants to laugh too, he pulls Tee into his arms and consoles his future fiancé. His enthusiasm must have tortured Tee today, he is so selfish forcing Tee to try so many suits today.

"I'm sorry Tee, it's okay you don't have to try anymore. I already found which one is the best" consoles Tae and pulls Tee to stand up. He feels really bad for making Tee cry because of his selfishness.

"What happened khun?" Ask the helper worriedly, his clients faint?

"I'm sorry, can I have some water, it's better if it's cold" asks Tae and the helper runs to get cold water for him.

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