Part 43

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Tee's father answers the phone call and he is furious to hear what Nin told Tee. He takes his jacket and ready to leave, he will not be silence anymore because this is the time he stop them to hurt his son.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Ask Farm worried.

"To see them" Farm follows suit, he can't let uncle go alone. Tan who stayed the night also go with them.

"Let's go together uncle, which hospital?"

They are on the way to the hospital, uncle is really angry right now. He already gave everything to them including the house Tee's live during childhood and they dare to call his son like that.

They arrived at the hospital, Farm and Tee's father get off first because Tan needs to park his car. Uncle is still furious and when they enter the room, they can see Nin, her mother and James are in the room too.

"You!" They are shocked to get uninvited guest but they can guess the reason.

"Uncle" James greets them first, thinking Tee's father comes to see their son but they are wrong.

'pang' a hard slap greet James's right cheek and everyone are shocked with this incident.

"You are really ungrateful! You hurt my son once and you hurt him again! How dare you try to disturb him when he already found his happiness" uncle is really angry right now and the slap is the proof, James's right cheek is red.

"You also shameless, I've give you everyth I have but you can't even make your daughter leave my son alone. You already got what you want, this cheating man, the house and even the company, why did you find Tee again?!" Uncle's voice roars in the room, he is really angry with this shameless family, how could they still think they can touch his son after what they had done to him.

"This is my last warning, even any of you contact or see Tee again, I will not stay quiet!" Uncle leaves the room after that. Farm follows uncle and only Tan left now.

"Please listen to tha warning because my family won't let this happened again. Phi James, my father already give your company a chance with the contract, don't make us break it off. You know what my family is capable of doing to your business. You should be careful it's not Phi Tae who come" Tan bang the door and leave, if anything happened again he will make this family suffer.

"Ugh!" James punch the wall because he is really angry but he can't do anything else.

"This is all because of you! You made that useless call!" James yell at Nin, he doesn't care about her health or emotion because he is really furious.

"You blammed me?! You should blame yourself because of your incompetence!"

"Well, this incompetence man is the one you seduced. You even stabbed your step brother's back. Seducing his boyfriend because you are jealous of him"

"Now you blame me?! You are the one who cheated!" They both are yelling to eachother and Nin's mother start having a headache, they just got a newborn in the family and this is happening?

"Stop! Both of you stop! Why we need to talk about past, it's no use anymore? There is no space to regret too, Tee is the one who hurt the most and we should get the punishment for what we had done to him. He is so kind, he didn't want anything from us, he didn't disturb us at all. We should leave him alone because we are not suitable to see him again. Please, please let this settled here. We don't have the right to hate him or having grudge on him, we are the one in the wrong. Let's just stay like this and let him be happy. I'm begging you, please" Nin's mother is crying, she is a bad mother and wife too. All she had done all her life is hurting other people's life, she will not have a happy death because of her sins.

James and Nin are quiet, they are still angry but what the mother said is the truth. James leaves the room after the argument calm down, he needs to tell his parent about the baby too. He needs to calm down and reflect on his life, if Tae's family stop doing business with his company, they will face a hardship and maybe will not survive too.

James sits on the bench at the hospital's park, he opens his phone and go through the album's folder. He found a photo of him and Tee when the had their first date the date is 14 February 202x, Tee insisted on taking the photo of their first day together. The only photo of Tee he has in his phone.

"You look very cute here, I did you wrong all this time but, the feelings I've for you is real. I was stupid and arrogant, I'm sorry" James wipes his tears and decided to delete the photo, he has no right to keep this photo anymore. He needs to change and let go of the past.


Three of them return back to the condo, Tee is aware of what happened because Kit also there and decided to stay in case he needs to tell Tee anything. Tee listens to his father and he is glad because he thinks it's the ending between them. He is shocked when Farm told him his father slapped James but he knows his father did that because of him.

"Let's move on okay. I don't care what she called me because I know it's wrong. Let's have breakfast now, okay?" Tee prepares everyone the food he cooked, they are eating lunch early today.

Tee decided to block Nin's contact number, this is the ending between them. When they are done with the lunch Tee needs to send his father to the airport, they just met for a while.

Tae's family also here at the airport, they are going to a small vacation at Tee's father's resort. After they check in Tee and Tae leave the airport.

"I heard what happened this morning, Tan told me" said Tae when they are already in the car. Tee sighs and just nod his head admitting it.

"Well, if they dare to touch you again, I will not let them go" promises Tae, he has been kind enough to that family.

"I don't think they will contact me again." Tee touches Tae's hand softly, he really doesn't want to harm anyone in any ways.

"That's good, besides mae and por won't let them" Tae links their hands together and hold it tight. Tee smiles hearing that, he has the best guard in his life.

"I know. The past with them hurt me a lot, I don't think I can recover but the bliss I get after the pain is much more than what I can imagine. Sometimes I'm even grateful for them because I have all of you  now" Tee is really grateful because he is really happy now, the pain even makes him feel nothing now. The loves he received today erase all the hatred and pains.

"You are too kind love, if it's happened to someone else I'm sure they will revenge them" Tee chuckles at that.

"The real revenge is I'm happy now, they can't make me unhappy anymore and they will see how happy I am with the people around me"

"You are too kind" Tae pouts, Tee is too nice sometimes but that what make him loves Tee more.

"I might not see you if they didn't expose their relationship" Tee laughs remembering their first embarrassing encounter.

"That's true, the fate link us together. Even though you keep running away from me"

"Because you are my boss Phi, it's weird to think you slept with your boss because you are drunk!"

Tae laughs hearing that, their first encounter is really funny. Tee even thought he cheated with someone's husband. The plot of their love story has so many embarrassing moment but funny too.

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