Part 3

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Tee is mumbling about his bad luck, he is still crying even though in the drunk state. Tee wipes his tears but it keeps pouring like a faucet.

"Hey" Tae calls for Tee because he is amused enough and he heard everything that happened to Tee clearly. He pitied Tee but he can't help Tee at all.

Tee turns to look at the voice, he can't see the face clearly, everything is blurry because of his tears and he is also drunk.

"come here and drink this" Tae offers Tee a glass of cold water. Tee can't get more drunk than he is now.

"No! No alcohol! I hate the taste. Today, first time, I hate it" Tee refuse the drink.

Tae once again amuse with Tee reaction.

"this is cold water" Tae try again and this time Tee stares at the glass, he gulps down it fast within a minute. He feels the cold drink go through his throat.

Tee laughs a little because he feels stupid, he did sober up a little but he is still not in his right mind. He looks at Tae who is sitting comfortably at the sofa. Tee sighs and walk to Tae, he sit besides Tae.

"Hey, I'm a virgin. Do you want to sleep with me?" ask Tee shamelessly, Tae chokes on his drink. He thought Tee already sober up after gulping down the cold drink.

"you don't want to? Even you don't want me!" Tee starts bawling his eyes out again.

Tae is utterly speechless, he doesn't know what to do and he start regretting his decision to let Tee stay. His quiet night become so noisy because of Tee.

"stop crying, no one want to sleep with a crybaby" Tae has no idea how to consoles anyone so he just try anything that might work.

Tee did stop bawling but he is still crying a little bit. Tae sighs, he will leave Tee here alone if Tee start to bawl again.

"I'm leaving. I will find someone else that wants to sleep with me" Tee stands up, he try to make a way to the door, not like he knows where.

He end up turning around looking for a door but he missteps and fall on Tae's laps. Tae catch him and secure him in his arm.

"sorry, I think I'm still drunk" Tee apologise and leans his body close to Tae. Now he is hugging Tae, he can't move anymore. This drunknes make him want to sleep right away.

"Get off me" Tae try to dissemble Tee's arms around his neck.

"James don't want me, you too don't want me. Who should I sleep with tonight? Should I just give myself to any man?" ask Tee sadly.

"you know what, maybe I should sleep with woman. It will be better right? Maybe after I'm sleeping with woman once, I will like them more than James" Tee chuckles sadly. He is desperate to be away from this pain.

"thank you for today khun. I'm sorry but I will go and find any woman who wants to use me" Tee stands up again, he separate himself from Tae and go to the door, he thinks he saw a door.

Tae just watch Tee leaving the room, he sighs. He thinks it's better than sleeping with a drunk man.

After five minutes Tae can't grasp what he is feeling right now, he is regretting his decision to let Tee go just like that. He leans his back on the sofa and try to think rationally

"he is a man! I'm crazy" Tae try to empty his mind but Tee is running around his head making him agitated.

"heck!" Tae put down the glass and standa up fast, he leaves the room and walk around the crowd to look for Tee.

He looks so hard to find Tee but can't find Tee anywhere. He walks around some more and he hate it when a few girls and men approach him seductively, that's why he prefer the private room more.

Tae saw Tee from far, Tee is pushed to the wall, a woman and a man touching his body shamelessly, they even trailing kisses on his neck but Tee just giggles innocently.

"Sorry! He is with me!" states Tae strictly and he pulls Tee into his arms. The couple huff and leave them.

"You are stupid" Tae drags Tee away from the crowd and they both leaving the club.

Tae's driver already waiting for Tae outside, he opens the door to Tae. He is surprised to see Tae leaving with someone and a man too. Tae never take anyone home before.

When three of them already in the car Tae ask the driver to starr driving.

"you! It feels good just now. Do it!" Tee throws himself on Tae, straddling Tae and  expose his neck inviting Tae to give kisses there.

Ray is shocked, he glances to the back through the mirror. Tae clears his throat and try to push Tee away but fail

"should I take off my shirt?" ask Tee innocently but seductively at the same time.

"I don't know what to do" Tee whines when he can't take off his shirt.

"khun, should I send him to the hotel first?" ask Ray

Tae looks at Ray and then at Tee.

"I'm going to a hotel with him. Find one that private enough" orders Tae.

Ray is surprised again but he is just a worker. He decided to take Tae to their hotel but they will go through the back door where only important people can enter it.

"I'm sorry I'm a virgin, I'm sorry I have no experience" Tee apologise sadly. It's not his fault but he keeps blaming himself when James left him.

"Khun, I'm sorry but I don't think he is sober to make a decision now. Maybe I can drop him off to his place" Ray start to feel pity to the boy. He thinks Tee is an innocent and a good kid so he doesn't want to see Tee make a big mistake because he is drunk.

"send us to my house phi" orders Tae this time.


"just do it Phi Ray" Tae is taking a stanger home. Tae never take anyone home before.

"You sure khun?"

"Yes phi" Tae sighs tiredly.

Ray got nothing else to say so he just drive silently. He glances to the back a few times, he is hurt to see Tee like that.

They arrive at home, Tae send Ray home and he lift Tee into the house, into his room.

Tae smirks looking at Tee sprawling on his bed, this time he can see Tee's face and body clearly. Tee's flush face is really sexy and beautiful, the glasses fall just now and Tae put it on the table. He can see Tee's long lashes.

Tee is beautiful.

"You did ask me to sleep with you. Maybe I will try a man today, it's all because of you" Tae crawls on top of Tee, and he is staring at the peaceful face.

Tae leans down slowly, his face moves closer to Tee's white and soft skin. His nose travels along it, Tee smells very good. The shirt leaves Tee's body when Tae can't wait to touch more, he wants to see everything under the shirt and jeans.

One by one pieces of the clothes drop to the floor.

"I hope you won't regret this" Tae smirks and start kissing Tee's nape. It taste wonderful for him.

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