Part 44

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Tee actually got an email from James, he even forgot they knew eachother emails before but he knows it's the last way James try to contact him. He received a very long apologies text from James and be can feel that James is really regret his action. Tee respects that James willing to go this far to apologise to him but he really not feel anything anymore, he doesn't even care if James feel bad for cheating on him anymore. It's in the past.

Tee didn't reply since James also aware of it, he deleted the email and block the contact. He didn't tell Tae anything since he thinks it's already the closure for his past with James. He is happy now and what he has today more than what he can imagine.

Tae takes Tee to a beach after sending their family, he wants to take a good rest together since their engagement party. They will start working soon so he wants to use any free time he has to make good memories with Tee.

The sands is really soft and white, it's really beautiful scenery because the ocean is really blue. Since the weather is nice, the scenery is also very nice.

"Phi Tae! Tee! Let's eat first!" Calls Tan to the couple.

Tae and Tee are walking at the beach side hands in hands at that time.

"I've told you to not invite them" Tae sighs, he wants to come with Tee alone but Tan will never let them be happy, now this vacation is for everyone.

Tee laughs looking at disappointment on Tae's face, of course he wants to be with Tae too but he thinks it will be a little awkward just both of them, that's why he agree when Tan asked to join them.

"The more the merrier" mutters Tee and Tae glares at him, Tee is just playing around with Tae, sometimes teasing Tae is a lot of fun.

"I want to spend time with you, not them" grumbles Tae acting sulky. Tee chuckles and tiptoes to kiss Tae on the cheek, his big baby is so spoil.

"Let's go, I'm hungry" Tee pulls his sulky fiancé's hand, he needs the food because he is really hungry now. This evening they will play volleyball so he needs a lot of energy to play.

"Wait, that's not fair. I want a kiss on my lips" Tae pulls Tee back and they are close to each others embrace. Tee automatically flushes red at their contact but Tae is waiting for a kiss, he won't let go till Tee didn't kiss him.

The other couples who are watching them from a distance just give a defeating sigh, they can't tolerate their PDA but they are here so they just can look the other way.

"Phi Tae is too obsessed" complaints Tan about his brother.

Kim and Kit look at Tan judging the man, even he himself can't let go Farm's body for a minute, Tan's hand will always touch Farm, no matter arm, hand, shoulder or waist, he is obsessed with Farm too.

"Talking about yourself nong?" Tease Kim when he sees Tan's hand on Farm's shoulder.

"Well, I'm different from Phi Tae, besides I'm doing this to chase away unnecessary attention to my boyfriend" Tan argues back, he can't let Kim tease him like that.

Kim throws a fries to Tan, he has nothing else to say to the lovesick boyfriend.

"What attention? You should look out for yourself." Says Farm back, he is actually grateful with Tan's attention to him because it will automatically tell people that wants to try Tan back off. Tan attract more attention than him and sometimes he feels insecure with himself.

"Don't worry about me baby, I just see you"

"Eww! Stop it!" Kit almost throw his phone to Tan for his reply, he is really shameless. Kim just laughs and pulls Kit to calm down, at the end everyone is showing off their PDA.

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