remi's chapter (2) UPDATED 🦩

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Remi wasn't some random member that was recruited into the group, as all of the others were. He was a key part to the reason it exists, him and Chanel. If they didn't meet, there would be no such thing.

September 25th, 2020.

From what I remember, in all of the bliss, Remi came up to me while I was talking to a boy, and he made a joke. Not a mean joke, or stupid, but something that could attract people his way.

He was fond of Chanel because of her childish behavior ways, it was "entertaining" to be exact. Chanel was fond of him as something to look up to, to admire. To describe Remi at the time best, it would be that he was just commendable. Something was appealing.

An "attractive" personality I guess you could say, considering how some people were obsessive over him.

Unlike most people, he was genuinely kind. Not intimidating, as some have described him, just some sort of idol. He seemed to be perfect. Everyone loved him, he even had his enemies wrapped around his finger.

personal depth
Remi was never one of the people who drastically changed from what we call a "furry" to a normal human being. He might've changed his opinions on things, but never how he acted. He never had break downs from all of the stress the group brought upon others, or shown any sort of personal issue without being too distant. Again, he seemed perfect.

Remi was never "problematic," at least not as much as some of the other members. He never created his own drama, it truly followed him, created by characters such as Jesse, Judas, Kai, and Ace. Remi never deliberately started something with anyone, sure he got involved in others dramas. If there's one thing that changed, it was that.

One thing he got cancelled for, was caring too much. Overall, that sounds like a good problem to have, especially when others problems were threatening fake suicide, cheating, etc. Caring too much? Please.

When you're actually in the drama that he's putting his opinion into, I guess it isn't all that great after all.

Remi didn't date many people within the group, actually, one.

It was pretty early on, when members were dating each other left and right, breaking up after two weeks.

I'm pretty sure it was pity, no real feelings on his end. More so to just see what would happen. Jesse, on the other hand, was head over heels.

After about a week or so, Remi realized he didn't truly like him. Again, he cared too much. No, not about Jesse. He felt it was the right thing to do, to listen to his problems. Scared what would happen if he didn't, that's one of the first times Remi's perspective changed. When caring backfired.

Ever since then, he has not been in a relationship. The one with Jesse sort of — scarred him.

Jesse became an unwanted crush, a reoccurring issue that Remi couldn't shake off. Something that he deeply regretted, and built resentment for.

This wasn't the first time a member was head over heels, overly obsessed with Remi. It happened once again in early 2022. Judas, a friend. Someone Remi showed comfort to, just as he did before with Jesse. It turned into something more.

Jesse and Judas have that in common, having this idea of him. That Remi was so mature, so cool, so etiquette, attractive, tall, scary, manipulative, influential, and a bad person for not showing the same affection back.

I get you could call it the "Remi effect."

Remi's main issue within the group, other than the fact that someone was weirdly obsessed with him, was getting involved in other people's issues. Other members found this as an issue, when it became right for them.

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