becca's chapter (16) UPDATED 🫂

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originally started - 8/13/22
update started - 1/16/23

Finally someone who wasn't involved know.

Okay, the group met Beyonce during the time, I'll admit that.

A few days before Jesse and Chanel got together in December 2020, they were best friends, as I've mentioned before.

He liked her, they hung out all the time, you get it. My point of this is that he'd text her about everything, like when they plotted to make a secret account making fun of Eli "taytaysocraycray."

Anyway, Jesse was by himself, just farming, doing what an average rh-er would do in 2020, when he met Beyonce.

I don't think I need to clear this up, but Beyonce's name isn't actually Beyonce. It's Becca, but she was dressed up as Beyonce, an idol of her's.

Jesse being Jesse saw this as an opportunity to go up to her, "Can you sing halo?" From then on, they were friends.

Immediately when Chanel got online, he met up with her and showed her Beyonce.

Becca was really sweet and cheerful, went along with Jesse's stupid Beyonce jokes, most wouldn't.

He soon had to go, leaving Becca and Chanel alone.

I remember her asking me how I was, or we started talking about it. I told this girl everything about my life after knowing her for only fifteen minutes.

But surprisingly, she listened, before I had the whole "my mind won't let me open up" weird ass bullshit, Becca was genuine and listened. She was concerned.

She cared more than people I'd known longer.

Becca is one if the only people who didn't drastically change their personality throughout the group, changing how she acted or her views.

Even Remi changed his views, but not her. For the most part, maybe on some people, but that's normal.

Becca the whole time actually cared. Actually. She would ask how we were all doing, mostly Chanel.

Chanel, again, before Judas, she'd open up to Becca at times. Share what was going on, and Becca would say "No! Don't do that."

I think that's the reason why Becca's first real friend was Chanel, and Jesse, but that genuine friendship didn't last for long.

Becca never really had any drama of her own, serious drama.

She'd be in the victim's ear, trying to help them.

Becca was always on Chanel's side with everything, being close with both Chanel and Jesse became complicated from how much the two fought and had issues.

For some reason, the two girls just connected. Maybe Becca felt pity? Who knows, so at times she'd be against Jesse.

And that same comforting friendship never returned after the first couple of breakups, it just became too much for everybody to still stand by him and listen to him.

Put up with him? Sure, for the first year.

As I was saying, Becca never had her own true drama. She wasn't around enough to have that, it became a routine ever since she joined the group.

Be on for a few months, then be on and off for a month, then be off for 5 months with a few appearances here and there, come on for a few days, and when you think she's back—she leaves again for a month.

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