jesse's chapter (12) UPDATED 🕳️

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I could easily make this chapter 12k words long, but I'm gonna try to aim for under 2k so bare w me 😹🤘

originally started - 8/12/22
update started - 1/7/23

Jesse feels like an og, which technically he is, but he joined around a month after the real og's.

The first time I met him was on October 24th, 2020, I had been off for a few days and came barging in. I joined Kai, but he was afk. Two people were standing next to him, Jesse and Spice.

Jesse was scared of Chanel at first, he was told that she was loud, energetic, scary, and boy crazy.

She friended him pretty quickly, and they all went to the apartments.

That's when Milo rejected Chanel. She left, Jesse followed, then soon Fear did.

At that moment, Jesse was officially in. Officially.

Jesse started off the group with being in a relationship with Eli, that soon changed one night.

One night, when he opened up about everything to Remi. His family life, how he felt, all of it. I was there, but I just stayed in the corner and listened.

I bet you Remi regrets that so much, because ever since then, Jesse's been obsessed.

Pause, in this chapter, we're gonna bounce around categories.

In the early stages of the group, the point we're at, before Remi, Jesse was more of a clingy softy. Lighter, bright, more of a bystander.

With Remi, Jesse stood behind him. He never spoke out, and always agreed with him. But when they broke up right after the Eli drama, Jesse was upset. He tried to be meaner, probably dyed his hair darker, started becoming an asshole to everybody. The whole "wanna be bad boy" thing.

It was different, how he was acting. He had gotten attached to Remi, that was it.

We all took it as a normal breakup, so when Jesse "moved on," so what? No red flags, people move on. And he did.

He moved onto Chanel in later November, it was sort of like a fairytale. He hid his feelings because she was with Ace.

Jesse and I were best friends, we hung out every day. I remember there was this one time when I was upset during a hangout, and I left without saying anything. Ace didn't follow me, but Jesse did.

For some reason, I didn't think he could like me. I mean, he was in a relationship with Suzie.

I know, I know, a lot of you (including me) are rooting for this downfall, so moving on.

Jesse dated Suzie while he liked Chanel, so it was a little obvious he wasn't all that into her.

After they broke up after a week or so and Ace was on his hiatus, Jesse confessed to Chanel, she broke up with Ace, and boom, they were together. December 15th, 2020, what a day to remember.

Everyone told Chanel to breakup with him, it wasn't right because of his past relationship with Suzie. But no, she just had to stay and have everyone turn on her because of it, causing the group to fall apart.

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