chanel's chapter (1) UPDATED 🦖

75 3 6

originally started - 8/10/22
update started - 1/3/23

Why is Chanel first? Who is this? Well, I "started" the group, I guess. Or highly pressured the idea into becoming reality, which still stands today.

September 25th, 2020.

Chanel joined the group through just simply being on, at the right time. There was nobody who introduced her, she introduced the people. It just so happened to happen. It was when she met Remi and Black Berry (max), there was no such thing as the "group" yet. It was just meeting two people who interested her. One, who she wanted to get to know and admired, and the other who she "liked."

character depth
(This is a little awkward because it's me, and I suck at this bc #yolo but bare w me 🥰)

You may see me as a hero, a victim, someone that is always there and has stuck through with the group, but that is simply not the truth. I'm not trying to talk bad about myself, but I'm being honest, which is what this story is about.

Throughout every event of the group, or most, I've played some sort of role, whether it be the "villain" , or was betrayed, or a bystander, somehow I always got myself involved in someones drama. To this day, I do not know how that happened, some of you may be able to answer the question better than me. Did I get myself into it, or was it other people?

I can't give a full analysis, because this is me. All I can truly say, again, is that I'm controversial. Some people absolutely despise me, think I'm self centered and cause issues everywhere I go, and some others think I let people walk all over me. What do I think? I think I'm the problem, but it doesn't seem like it because I tend to make myself the victim.

I'm put on a pedestal at times when I shouldn't, it naturally happens when I'm the "leader"
of the group.

Chanel puts herself in a lot of situations, that's why she's always in them, people get her involved because she puts herself in them. She would get upset at times about always being involved, but she didn't say no. Self dislike? Under who's cause?

Overall, Chanel's relationship status with people who have been in the group have been either up or down. Most of the men she was in romantic relations with at one point, she knew everybody, got in some sort of feud, and was deeply despised. There is no in between.

Most of these relationships though, have bounced back and forth. Countless times, there would be a drama, they'd stop talking, and sooner or later, Chanel would let them back in.

She was mostly close with...everybody. Everybody at one point, unlike most members, she knew everybody. At one point she would wake up every day and text one of them, as the first thing. You name it, everybody.

Most of the issues Chanel were in were her own, or soon became a main contestant. While others were fighting, she felt the need to fix it, so would get herself involved. Or, members would come venting to her, and she'd "have" to get involved.

Chanel's personality has somewhat stayed the same, or at least what was shown.

In the early months of the group, she was known as being boy crazy. Innocent, energetic, light, entertaining, whatever adjectives you would like to use. When she was first affected with the Jesse virus, her whole personality became about that, not changing much from before.

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