eli's chapter (9) UPDATED 🦁

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originally started - 8/15/22
update started - 1/6/23

I will be doing two impact categories, it fits Eli more.

I don't wanna be dramatic when I say this, but Eli contributed to the group being toxic, greatly. He is the root, the one where I beat around a lot. Oh, everyone was mad at me? I got kicked from my own group? I had nobody when Kai cheated, and the people I did have, left over this reason too?

He is the root, and whatever he caused, just a downward spiral.

We met Eli, again, can you guess it? Yes, in that first week. The amount of times we hung out, everyday, all day.

September 29th, 2020.

That's all I'd do, personally. Wake up, oh! Let's check all of my group chats! So many texts, I'll join the 5 people that are hanging out!

For hours, and that's how we met Eli.

We were all together, doing random shit. He was there, we came across him, talked, and friended him.

It all came together so quickly, Eli from the start was more on the quiet side. He kept to himself, but not in an intimidating type of way, more so a baby-ish way, if that makes sense.

He was a clone of Jade, but didn't cause drama over it. At the start.

Eli's first mark in the group was when he brought Oli in, in early October.

"Okay so, I like this boy named Oliver and I also like Jade. Who should I choose?" Due to a lot of peer pressure by me, he chose Jade. If Eli went with the other option, I don't think it'd effect our storyline. Maybe Oli would have some trauma, and good stories to tell, probably some regrets.

If you read Jade's chapter, which you should be reading all of these in order if you wanna keep up with this. It all makes sense in the end, the order. But anyway, in her chapter, I put how they were toxic.

Terribly toxic, not because of him. She was just too overpowering, too much for him. He was the type to let his partners walk all over him.

He exposed the truth soon, how he didn't cheat. It didn't really impact her status, it would later, but not then.

Then on October 21st, Eli met Jesse. Like I stated before, most members were getting into relationships left and right. They did too.

When I first met Jesse, October 25th, I saw them together. Eli was clingy, and Jesse acts clingy. He acts all in love, but truly he wasn't.

Because a week later, he broke up with Eli for Remi.

See? I told you it all comes together.

Eli became more quiet after that, he was becoming the section option, like Ace was, actually. One thing I appreciate about Ace is what he didn't do.

Eli changed his appearance a bit, dyed his hair, started wearing darker clothes. That whole ordeal.

Skipping forward to mid November, Chanel was still on and off with Kai. This was around the time before he cheated, when they met Rin's group, Jade being jealous, and Ace leaving.

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