1. Epic Fail

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Ryleigh POV

Closing the door of my hotel room I lean back against it and let out a deep sigh. I was about to spend my first night alone in a hotel since I came on the road. I had gotten so used to sharing a room with Lacey but with her now on maternity I was on my own and to top it off there was going to be a storm tonight.

I had already heard a few rumbles on the way here and that was enough to put me on edge. It's not unusual for some one to be afraid of storms what is unusual is the reason I'm afraid of them. Lacey knew and always made sure I was never alone during a storm so what the hell was I going to do now.

The room to my left is unoccupied tonight, the room on my right is housing one of the sweetest guys on the roster, Roman Reigns. I knew he would happily keep me company without giving it a second thought but it would be embarrassing for him to find out I'm afraid of storms, I really liked him and I didn't want to look like some frightened little girl infront of him.

No tonight I was going to get through this alone, I've got this, I can do this. If I can get to sleep before it really starts I'll be fine.
I quickly change into my nightmare and get under the covers, I snuggle down and use the duvet to block my view of the window and close my eyes praying that sleep will come quickly.

Later that night

It was now 1am and my plan had failed epically, I had forgotten how loud storms could be - note to self buy some ear plugs.

I'm bundled up under my duvet, shaking, crying, I'm pretty sure I screamed at some point but thankfully not loud enough to wake up Roman, unless of course he heard me and just ignored it.

A flash of lightening the illuminates the whole room followed by a almighty bang of thunder causing me to scream for the second time tonight, this was going to be a long night and I certainly wasn't getting any sleep.

In between the rumbles I hear a knock on my door

"Babygirl let me in" Roman calls out but I don't answer "open the door sweetheart it's Roman"

Slowly I get off the bed and make my way to the door, I unlock it and open it slightly. Roman looks at me worry etched on his face, he places a hand on the door and pushes it further open letting himself in. He walks over to the window and closes the curtains before coming back over to me and wrapping me up in his arms

"It's alright I've got you" he says "I'll stay with you until the storm dies down"

Before I can say anything there's another flash of lightning and I find myself burying my face in his very solid chest. He says nothing just gently rubs my back until I relax.

"How do you know?" I ask looking up at him confused

"I pay attention and I notice things" he smiles "like you are never alone when there's a storm, you're always checking the weather reports and I've noticed how you react if there is lightening in someone's entrance, the only thing I don't know is what caused your fear"

"I don't want to talk about it" I say wiping my eyes "it's embarrassing enough that you have seen me like this"

"Babygirl don't ever be embarrassed to be afraid" he says softly "I know this isn't just a fear of storms, whatever the reason for your tears, you tell me when you're ready, if you are ever ready. I promise I won't judge"

"Thank you" I say giving him a half smile "would.......would you mind staying the night?" You don't have to I.....I just would rather not be alone"

"Whatever you need babygirl" he says "come let's try and get you some sleep"

Roman walks me over the bed and lifts the covers for me to get in before getting in behind me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and holds me close to him. I wrap my arm over his and he laces our fingers.

I begin to close my eyes when there's yet another flash of lightning  that causes me to jump, turn and bury myself into him.

"Sorry" I say quietly fairly sure I just head butted his chest

"Don't apologise" he says kissing the top of my head "just close your eyes and get some sleep"

"I feel bad that I woke you" I say resting my head against his chest

"I'm glad you did" he says "I wouldn't want you to have to deal with this alone, until Lacey comes back you've got me alright" he soothes

"Ro she's going to be gone for months" I say looking up at him "and you need your sleep more than I do"

"No arguments babygirl, I'm looking after you until she gets back" he says "now please try to get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning"

"Goodnight Ro" I whisper snuggling a little further into him

"Goodnight babygirl" he whispers back

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