6. Thoughts

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Roman POV

As the hot water from the shower runs over my tired body the only thing that's on my mind is the woman currently laying in my bed. It had felt amazing to finally kiss her and there were no words for the feelings it stirred in me. But I had barely slept because I just couldn't escape the thoughts rolling around in my mind.

Maybe I was overthinking things but I know exactly why I kissed her, becuase I wanted to, becuase like her alot. What I don't know is why she kissed me, was it becuase she likes me too or becuase she needed a distraction?

I don't want to be just a distraction to her I want to be something more than that. Finishing up in the shower I dry myself off and pull on some clothes. Carefully and quietly I open the bathroom door and find that Ry is still sleeping but snuggled into my pillow.

I grab my phone and key card and decide to hit the gym for an early work out, it will give me something else to focus on and time to get my head straight.

As I reach the elevator I find Seth there, he gives me a tired smile and I nod at him.

"Hey man, you couldn't sleep either?" He asks and I shake my head "are you ok? You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders"

"I don't know I.......I kissed Ry last night" I say and his eyes widen

"YOU KISSED RY!" he gasps

"Man keep your damn voice down" I say "yeah, she kissed me back but I'm confused about why she kissed me back"

"I don't follow" he says in a much quieter voice as we step into the elevator

"Did she kiss me becuase she likes me or becuase she needs a distraction" I sigh "how do you tell?"

"Have you talked to her about it?" He asks and I shake my head

"She was still sleeping when I left" I say and he looks at me like I have two heads

"Let me get this straight, you kissed the girl and then you've left her to wake up alone?" He says "you idiot! Have you any idea what she's going to think when she wakes up!"

"Shit I didn't think about that" I say

Ryleigh POV

As I wake up I reach out only to find nothing, my eyes snap open and I stare at the empty space when Roman had been. His phone and key card have gone and there's no note no nothing.

"Ro" I call out but get no response, sitting up I run my hands through my hair, had I really gotten the wrong idea last night when he kissed me? I thought maybe it was the start of something but now I'm beginning to wonder if he is regretting it and that's why he's left me alone.

Before I have chance to really dwell on it my phone rings, I grab it quickly hoping it's Roman but it's not, it's Lacey.

"Hey Lace" I say trying to sound cheerful

"Well that wasn't a happy hello" she says "how are you coping with the storms?" She asks

"Oh I'm coping just fine, Roman has been looking after me" I say immediately regretting what I just said

"Oh has he now, I bet your enjoying that" she says and I hear her smirking

"I guess, he's a really nice guy" I say

"What's going on Ry?" She asks "has he done something to you?"

"No, never, it's just.......we kissed last night and then this morning I woke up alone, no Roman, no note" I sigh

"First up I'm pretty sure you skipped the part where you're sharing his bed when you said he was looking after you" she chuckles "and second, he's a gym fiend don't read to much into him not being there, so tell me what was it like"

"It was amazing, I like him so much Lace but I'm worried that maybe he's regretting it" I say "I don't want to be something he regrets"

"Ry Roman doesn't do anything unless he wants to" she says "if he kissed you it's becuase he wanted to, try not to worry too much. But you do know that if you start something with him you'll need to open up to him......about everything"

"I know, I will when I'm ready, I just don't want him to thunk of me the way I think of myself" I say "I couldn't bear that"

"Ry how many times do I have to tell you it wasn't your fault" she says "you are not responsible for what happened to Jacob"

"I blame myself becuase I should have stopped him, I should have grabbed hold of him and made him stay put" I sat "If I had it wouldn't have happened"

"You need to stop beating yourself up over this, Jacob wouldn't want that, I know he doesn't blame you" she says "he would want you to be happy"

"I know and I'm trying to be" I say playing with my pendant

"I've got to go but let me know what happens" she says "go get your man" she says making me laugh, now all I have to do is find him

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