20. Need Some Help

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Roman POV

Waking up to Ry in my arms was always the best feeling in the world, even before she was my girl, it just delt right, she seemed to fit perfectly and I always seem to sleep better with her near.
I had been watching her sleep for a while, my gaze moving between her face and her stomach. I could hardly believe I was getting something I wanted with the woman I wanted it with.

Pressing a soft kiss to her temple I slowly and carefully slide my arm out from underneath her. I remove myself from the bed and head back to my room to get dressed. Heading into the kitchen I find Lacey putting her phone down her phone with her sigh.

"Morning, everything ok?" I ask sitting beside her

"That was Ry's mom she called me when she didn't answer, she went down to the park to place some flowers by the tree for Jacobs anniversary and she found out that they have removed the tree" she says "Ry is going to be devastated, having these places to go to has really helped her.....oh my god Roman everything we've been talking about"

"Don't worry, we will figure something out" I say "she'll still have a place to go to and everything will work out fine"

"How am I going to tell her Roman? Wait maybe you could......"

"We don't tell her anything yet" I say "let me make some calls, see what I can get done and I'll call you when you can bring her there"

"She's going to want to know where you've gone" she says "you've only just got here"

"I've seen her cry far to many tears just lately, from now on the only tears I want to see her cry are happy ones and if this works that's what I'll get" I say "I'm willing to do anything to make her happy, after everything I want to be the reason she smiles, will you help me?" I ask and she nods

"You really love her don't you?" She asks and I nod "I knew you'd be good for her, she's lucky to have you"

Nodding with a smile I head out of the house to my car, I only hope I can make all of this work.

Ryleigh POV

I wake to find Roman's side of the bed empty and I begin to wonder if him showing up yesterday had been a dream, a beautiful if some what erotic dream. I turn over and bury my face in the other pillow and I smell his familiar scent and I know it wasn't a dream.

When I head into the kitchen I find Lacey there but no sign of Roman. I glance around quickly incase I missed him before sitting across from Lacey.

"Hey, have you seen Ro at all?" I ask and she smiles

"He went out a few hours ago, said there was something he needed to do" she says "meanwhile I thought it was best to let you catch up on all the sleep you haven't been getting"

"I really think he and I are going to be ok Lace" I smile "he's happy about the baby and we are starting over. Wait.......what did he need to do?"

"I'm glad you two figured things out" she smiles "he didn't say and I didn't want to pry.......oh I need to take this why don't you get dressed and we can go out for something to eat"

"Alright sure" I say standing up "everything ok Lace?" I ask

"Everything is just fine, don't you worry your head" she smiles "now go get ready"

After getting washed and putting on some nice clothes I head back to the kitchen to find Lacey waiting by the front door hand bag on her shoulder and car keys in hand.

"Alright let's get going" she says practically rushing me out the door

"Ok what is going on?" I say turning to look at her

"Nothing baby is hungry is all, you should understand that" she says and I chuckle "now get in the car so we can eat"

As Lacey and I drive through town I become more and more confused with every restaurant and eatery she passes, that is until I see the sign for somewhere I haven't been in a while, the park where Jacob passed away.
I take a deep breath before looking over at Lacey.

"Lace there's nowhere to eat here, so do you want to explain to me why you brought me here?" I ask as I scan the park, suddenly my eyes widen and my heart sinks "Lace where's the tree! Where is Jacobs fucking tree! Why has it gone!" I gasp tears stinging my eyes

"Ok now relax remember you're pregnant" she says "they took it down for some reason, but that's not why I brought you here, I brought you here becuase Roman asked me too, so let's walk over there and find him ok" she says and I nod

As we walk up the hill towards the spot where the tree had been I hold on to her arm feeling  my heart break the closer we get to the spot. As we reach the top of the hill I see Roman and once again I find my eyes widening.

He's standing beside a large raised bed filled with flowers in mine and Jacobs favourite colours yellow and blue, with a tree in the centre. He smiles at me, opens his arms and I walk into his embrace.

"What do you think babygirl?" He asks softly as I pull back from him to look at the flower bed again, at the front is a plaque stating that this little memorial garden is in loving memory of Jacob.

"I.....I don't know what to say.........it's beautiful" I say looking up at him "thank you so much.....but how?"

"I made a few calls, got permission to do this and found some people to help me" he says "I know how much this place means to you and I didn't want you to lose it, I know it's not the same tree but I thought a cherry blossom would be good becuase it would really stand out in the summer"

"I love you" I say looking into his deep brown eyes and he smiles down at me lovingly

"I love you too babygirl" he smiles, for a second I take my eyes off him and that's when I realise my parents are here as well.

"Ro, why are my parents here?" I ask

"Well this garden is for all of you" he says "I wanted to bring you all here to see it, it gave me and them a chance to get to know each other and for me to show them that I'm not playing when it comes to you"

"What do you mean by show them you're not playing?" I ask a little confused

"Ry you're irreplaceable to me. You're the person I want to make endless memories with. You're the person I want to wake up to everyday for the rest of my life. You're the person I want to sit on a porch swing and watch the sunset with" he says slowly dropping to one knee "all I love want and need is you forever, I was in love with you long before I said those words. From the second I saw your smile I felt happiness for the first time in a long time. In your eyes I saw our beautiful future and I knew from the day we met that I would fight for you forever, Ryleigh Ava Swanson will you marry me?"

Roman looks up at me as tears fall down my cheeks "Yes.....yes I will" I cry as he places the ring on my finger, as he stands I take his face in my hands and press my lips to his. He wraps his arms around me gently and smiles against me as my parents and Lacey clap.

Just then a warm ray of sun shines down on all of us and the garden "looks like Jacob approves" Roman says softly

"Yeah I think he does" I smile "thank you for making this place a little happier Ro"

"Anything for you babygirl" he says "I wanted to do this here so that Jacob could be a part of it, becuase I know how important he is to you"

"You're amazing Roman Reigns" I smile "thank you for loving me this much"

Smiling he places a soft kiss on my lips as my family watches on, I can never thank him enough for what he's done and if anything it's made me love him even more.

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