7. Opening Up

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Ryleigh POV

By the time I got to the arena I hadn't see Roma all day, it was almost as if he was trying to avoid me, which made me even more convinced that he regretted our kiss. Maybe the best thing for me to do would be to find someone else I can bunk with until we get to the next hotel.

Sitting down on the locker room floor I begin my regime of stretching out preparing myself for my match while the other girls get ready around me, the trouble was couldn't focus becuasei couldn't get Roman out of my mind.

"Excuse me ladies, I suggest you cover what you don't want seen" a familiar voice calls out

"Dean get the hell out of here" one of the girls shouts

"Sure thing just as soon as I get what I came for" he says stopping infront of me with a smile "would you mind coming with me doll, I need your help with something?"

"Me? Why do you need me?" I ask as I stand up

"Becuase I have a problem only you can solve" he says with a wink and I know he's talking about Roman.

Nodding I follow him out of the locker and through the backstage area, when he finally stops we are infront of a door with The Shield written on it and I take a deep breath.

"Alright he's right inside, you two need to talk becuase I can't stand another moment of his moping" he says

"Are you sure he wants to see me?" I ask nervously

"He needs a question answered that only you can answer" he says

I place my hand on the door and slowly push it open, Dean walks away probably to find Seth and I enter the room. At first I don't see him but then I spot him in the corner putting on his glove.

"Ro?" I say quietly and he looks up at me his face a mixture of shock and nervous

"Hey Ry what are you doing here?" He asks

"Dean brought me here, he said we needed to talk, that you have a question" I say taking a step closer.

"Of course he did" he says rolling his eyes "Alright, Ry why did you kiss me last night?" He asks

"I kissed you becuase I wanted to, becuase I like you" I say "why else would I kiss you?"

"I thought maybe it was just a distraction from the storm" he sighs

"Ro you are not a distraction" I say moving closer to him "You're much much more than that to me, tell me do you regret kissing me?"

"Not one second of it" he smiles "I like you too babygirl, a lot"

Roman closes the gap between us leaning down to press his lips to mine, I return the kiss going on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ro, do you have time before your match for us to talk?" I ask "there's something I want to tell you"

"I have plenty of time, what's on your mind sweetheart?" He asks

I take his hand and guide him to sit on the bench with me, I lace my fingers with his and take a deep steadying breath in an attempt to calm myself.

"Jacob was my brother.......my twin brother" I say "we did pretty much everything together, one night we were hanging out with some friends he wanted to celebrate me getting signed. That's when he gave me the necklace, to keep me safe on the road" I say taking another deep breath "on the way home we got caught in a storm, we were walking in the field behind our house, we had taken shelter in an abandoned building there I wanted to stay but but Jacob said if we can just get to that tree we'll be ok then it's just a short distance to the house"

"It's ok babygirl take your time, you don't have to tell me it all at once" he says taking my hands in his

"I want to" I say wiping my eyes "I told him no but he wouldn't listen, he set off and he got part way to the tree and that's when it happened, he got struck" I say "I couldn't move I was frozen but I was screaming out to him, he just laid there. I called my parents, they called an ambulance but it was too late, he was gone and I've never forgiven myself. If I had stopped him, if I'd gotten hold of him it wouldn't have happened and he'd still be here" I cry "it's not the storm that scares me it's the memories it awakes and the flashbacks it causes, I didn't want to tell you becuase I didn't want you to think of me the way I think of myself"

"I am so so sorry babygirl" he says pulling me close to him "I understand what it's like to lose a brother and I also understand why you would name yourself but you must know it wasn't your fault, it was a freak accident and I'm sure he wouldn't want you blaming yourself" he soothes

"I know but I blame myself anyway, I miss him everyday" I say "you know only 10% of lightening strikes are fatal, he was one of the 10%"

"He'd be so proud of you, you're here, you're living your dream" he says "and you are one of the best at it, you might not be able to see him but he'll be right here with you cheering you on"

"He would have liked you" I smile "I wish the two of you could have met"

"Well if he can hear me, he has my word that I'm going to take great care of his sister" he smiles "becuase I care about her a great deal and I would very much like the chance to be her guy, if she'll let me"

"Yes she will" I smile "because she would like nothing more than to be your girl"

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