23. A Test

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Ryleigh POV

By some miracle I had found a nice quiet spot backstage while Roman was out in the ring kicking ass. For some reason I just wanted to be alone right now, I didn't want to be around people much less Sasha, I just wanted piece and quite.

Roman was right now that my ankle had healed we could focus on bubba, boy or girl I wanted more than anything for our child to look like Roman, dark curly hair, big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. As I run my hand over my small bump the light catches my ring making it sparkle and my smile grows even bigger. I still couldn't believe that that god of a man wants to marry me.

"Girl there you are, I've been looking all over this place for your ass" Naomi says as she walks over to me "what's with the game of hide and seek?" She asks

"Nothing I just wanted some piece and quiet" I say and she eyes me suspiciously

"You mean you're avoiding Sasha?" She says "pay no mind to what falls out of her mouth, she's just mad you got what she wants. Anyway how's bubba?" She smiles placing a hand on top of mine

"Just fine" I smile "Roman is convinced we are having a boy"

"If he's right you'll never hear the end of it" she laughs "so the reason I was looking for you......have you guys set a date yet becuase I've seen a really cute bridesmaid dress"

"No not yet we........"

"Of course they haven't" Sasha says cutting me off "anyone can see he doesn't really want to marry her, he's just doing what he thinks is the right thing"

"You know you're really starting to look pathetic Sasha" Naomi says stepping up to her "he don't want you, trying to split them up won't make him want you. How many times does he have to turn you down before you get the hint?"

"Look at her, she's plain, she's nothing special why would he want her?" Sasha snaps "he's sticking with her becuase she said she's pregnant, he's marrying her to do the right thing. I heard him saying as much to Seth and Dean. You can't really believe he loves her"

"I know he loves her, all you have to do is watch him with her and you can see it" Naomi says "he wouldn't have proposed if he didn't love her, he's not the type of guy to lead some one on"

"And what makes you such an expert on him huh?" Sasha asks

"Only the fact that I know him a damn sight better than you do" Naomi says "he's family and so is Ry be careful who you mess with Sasha becuase you'll lose......come on Ry let's go find the guys" Naomi says holding her hand out to me but keeping her eyes on Sasha.

As we walk down the corridor I can tell that Naomi is silently fuming about what just happened while my mind is swimming with everything she just said.

"Nerve of her talking shit like that" she says "don't you listen to a damn word she says that man is completely smitten with you"

"Hey naomi, I've had an idea do you think you and the guys could help me?" I ask

"Of course what do you need?" She asks

Roman POV

"Will you please tell me what is going on?" I ask, after the show Dean, Seth and the twins had insisted that I get showered and dressed up but refused to tell me why. Why the hell I had accommodated their request is beyond me but here I a, sat into he back of a car in a suit and tie with these goofballs all wearing shit eating grins.

"No can do buddy" Dean says as the others grin

"Fine" I say taking my phone put of my pocket "I'll call Ry let her know I've been abducted by you idiots"

"Seth get that phone off him now" Dean shouts and I turn my back

"I'm trying I can't reach round him when his backs to me" Seth says trying to reach my phone

"Roman don't you dare.........."

"Hey babygirl........"

"God damn it one of you get that phone" Dean shouts

"Oh Naomi........where's Ry?" I ask when I realise its not my girl that answered the phone

"Thank fuck for that" Dean breaths

I listen as Naomi tells me Ry is in the bathroom but I'm not buying it for one second. All the while Seth is still trying to get my phone off me with no success.

"Alright well just tell her I love her" I say before ending the call, the second I turn back round Seth snatches my phone and immediately puts it down the front of his pants.

"You're buying me a new phone" I say raising an eyebrow at him

Just then the car stops and the guys get out and motion for m to follow, I follow them until they stop outside one of those wedding chapels you see all over Vegas and that's when my eyes land on Ry standing there in a dress with Naomi beside her.

I say nothing I just take her in my arms and hold her close gently and breath in her perfume, she's wearing my favourite theonetha drives me crazy......damn I wish we were alone right now

"Do you know what's going on babygirl" I ask

"I asked them to bring you here" she says moving back from me and smiling "Marry me Roman"

"Babygirl I already proposed" I say and she laughs

"No I mean marry me now, in there" she says pointing at the chapel

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