2. Talking In Your Sleep

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Ryleigh POV

I wake the next morning to find myself still pretty much buried in Roman's arms. I immediately notice two things, he had pulled the duvet up far enough that it blocked my view of the window and the room, and he had fallen asleep with hand placed gently over my ear, I assume to muffle the noise.

I was garetful for him staying with me but at the same time I was embarrassed that he had seen me in that state. I mean who wants the guy they have a crush on to see them at their weakest? But then how many people are lucky enough to have their crush hold them all night long?

It's only when I try to move that I realise that I had been so terrifies last night that I hadn't noticed Roman was shirtless, I shift a little and lift the duvet and find he's wearing grey sweatpants.

"Don't worry babygirl I'm not naked" he chuckles and I look up at him completely mortified that he caught me peeking "how are you feeling?" He asks

"Much better, thank you for staying with me" I say

"Anytime" he smiles "I want to ask you something babygirl, now you don't have to answer if you don't want to but......who's Jacob? You said his name a few times in your sleep"

"He......he's nobody really" I say trying to avoid the subject

"I hear you.....forget I asked I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he says hugging me to him

"It's fine, I just.....I'm not ready to tell you about that yet" I say "your right there is more to it then just a fear of storms and Jacob is part of it but I need time before I can open that wound with you"

"So" he says turning onto his side and propping his head up on his hand "what are your plans for travelling now that Lacey isn't here?"

"Well I hadn't really planned much past getting through last night" I sigh "but I guess I need to sort something out"

"No you don't, your travelling me with me and the guys" he says

"Oh I don't want to intrude, I'm sure I can find some one to ride with" I say and he shakes his head

"What if there's a storm while your driving? How can I look after you if your not with me?" He asks "your riding with us and that's final"

In that moment I felt my heart skip a beat, hearing Roman say he wanted to take care of me caused a feeling in me that I knew I was going to have to control. He didn't mean it like that Ry, don't read to much into it I tell myself as I feel his lips press gently agaisnt my forehead.

"I'm going to go grab a shower and pack, I'll see you down in the lobby" he says getting out of the bed "don't go anywhere without me babygirl" he says winking before he leaves and the second the door closes I bury my face in my pillow.

Roman POV

I should have expected the response I got to my question, but I had to ask, she had said his name a few times in her sleep almost like she was calling out to him.

I should've know it was too soon for her to want to open up to me, I just had to hope that one day she would be comfortable enough with me to tell me.

When I heard her scream the first timemi had jumped out my bed that fast I tripped over my own shoes trying to get to the door, so I'm pretty sure one of the bangs she heard last night was me hitting the floor. That's why I didn't get to her until after the second scream.

Seeing her like that was hard, she's a great girl and I hated seeing her with tears in her eyes. Whether she likes it or not I'm taking care of her while Lacey is gone I am not leaving her to deal with this alone.

"Erm you know that's not your room you just came out of right?" Dean says shaking me from my thoughts

"Huh?.... oh yeah it's Ry's room I was uh offering her a seat in our car since Lacey isn't here now" I say

"And you couldn't just stand in the doorway and have that conversation?" Seth asks looking confused

"She asked me to help her with something" I say "what's with all the questions?"

"Oh I don't know, you're in Ryleigh's room instead of your own and you had a goofy ass smile on your face" Dean shrugs

"Whatever man, and don't be asking Ry loads of questions" I say "travelling with us is new for her, give her time to settle in"

"You very protective of her all of sudden?" Seth says "has something happened?, is she alright?"

"Yeah she's fine" I say "look I need to get myself sorted was there something  you wanted me for?"

"Just wanted to know who was driving this time?" Dean asks

"One of you two can drive" I say "I'm too tired, damn storm kept me awake, I'll see you down in the lobby"

Nodding they both leave me to get sorted, I had managed to dogde their questions this time I just ahd to hope they wouldn't ask Ry anything that makes her uncomfortable.

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