18. Let's Talk

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Ryleigh POV

Last night had been the worst nights sleep I had ever had becuase I knew today I was going to have to make that call, I was going to have to drop my bombshell and i had no idea how he was going to take it.

I knew he'd said he wanted everything with me but would that still be the case? After what I'd done, the way I'd handle everything would he even want to speak to me let alone be willing  to be a part of this.

I had left the house and wonder over to the private dock at the end of Lacey's garden, I wanted peace and quite when I made the call though it probably wouldn't last long.

I lean agaisnt the railings looking out at the water as a soft breeze passes over me and I let out the sigh I didn't even know I was holding. It was just a case of pressing one button on my phone but why was I finding it so hard to do.

"Ry?" I immediately stand upright but don't turn around, there is no possible way he can be behind me right now, he doesn't even know where I am.

Slowly I turn around to find that he is in fact behind me, my eyes widen and I'm rendered speechless "Ry" he breaths with a smile before rushing over to me and wrapping me up in his arms

"I don't.....how did you.....what are you doing here?" I ask as he moves back from me

"Steph told me, I've been a mess since you stopped talking to me, I'm messing up my matches, I'm not sleeping, she told me to come see you and try to sort things out" he says

"Did....did she tell you anything else?" I ask and he shakes his head "Roman, I'm sorry for just disappearing, I should have talked to you I know that now but I was so hurt I wasn't thinking straight"

"I know it's Sasha's doing but I need you to fill me in babygirl, what happened? What did she do?" He asks and I silently hand him my phone with the photo on the screen "that shit stirring bitch, I swear this photo is fake, in fact I can prove it becuase I can show you the original photo" he says handing me my phone back as he takes his own out of his pocket, after a moment he hands it to me and what I see makes me feel like a complete idiot.

Instead of Sasha laying on his chest, it's me and I'm asleep and he has his lips pressed against my temple.

"I took that while you were sleeping one night, you looked so beautiful and I wanted to capture the moment" he says "Ry I've never touched her, I don't want her, all I want is you, I want you back, I want you in my home.....our home and I need you to tell me you still love me"

"Of course I do, I've never stopped loving you Roman" I say cupping his cheek "there's something we need to talk about"

"Please call me Ro babygirl, I've missed hearing you call me that" he says taking my hands in his "I'm guessing this something is why your not coming back for a while"

"Yes, I can't come back it's too risky" I say "I'm pregnant Ro"

"Pregnant?" He asks as he breaks into the brightest smile and I nod "We're having a baby? That's amazing Ry but tell me if I hadn't show up here today would you have ever told me?"

"Yes of course, I was going to call you today" I say and he let's go of my hands

"Really? You were going to call me? You? The woman who's been ignoring my calls and texts for the last three weeks. I don't think you would have Ry, and it hurts to think you would keep something like this from me" he says

"Ro I swear I was going to call you. I understand why you wouldn't believe me and I'd even understand if you want nothing to do with this or me. Hell I'd understand if you hated me right now it's no less than I deserve but I want you to be a part of the baby's life even if your not part of mine" I say

"I don't hate you, I love you Ry and I want to be with you but I need you to trust me, and I need you to talk to me when there is something wrong, you can't keep running from me babygirl" he says "we have to deal with stuff together"

"I trust you Ro, and just promise I will talk to you from now on" I say and he takes hold of my hands once again "where do we go from here?" I ask

"We start over, a clean slate" he says "I'm here for a few days, we can spend time together and work on rebuilding our relationship because being without you is not an option for me"

Slowly and hesitantly I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, he responds by wrapping his arms around my waist gently and burying his face in the crook of my neck. As we stand there holding each other I hear him let out a soft sigh.
I know I'm lucky to have him give me another chance but I also know I have a lot of making up to do, I'd hurt him and it was going to take time to repair the damage I had done.

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