12. Too Soon?

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Roman POV

I had woken slightly when I felt the bed move signalling my girl had left my side. I open my eyes and stay quiet as I watch her start to pack her case. Today we head back on the road, our time here had been short and despite the little bump in the road I had enjoyed every second of having her in my home, my arms, my bed.

I felt sad to be leaving but I felt even worse when I thought about coming back here without her, in the short time she had been here she had made this house feel like a home, it was like I was meant to share this house with her.

"I think you forgot something?" I say softly making her jump, she places her hand on her heart before looking around the room

"What did I forget?" She asks and when she looks back at me I open my arms and smile and she laughs softly "come here babygirl"

She walks round the bed and leans down to press a soft kiss on my lips as I wrap my arms around her, quickly I pull her over me laying her on the bed and throwing the covers over her "Ro!" she laughs before I pull her close to me and nuzzle into her neck.

"I missed you and I was cold" I say kissing her shoulder

"You feel pretty warm to me" she chuckles "and I hadn't gone anywhere"

"That's becuase you're warming me up" I say "and you got out of bed that's far enough for me to miss you"

Slowly she turns in my arms to face me and tucks my hair behind my ear. She looks deep into my eyes and smiles softly "I miss you the second you let go of me and turn over" she says "I'm in deep with you Mr Reigns, deeper then I've ever been in my life, I'm so in love with you it scares me"

"I've never loved anyone the way I love you Ry" I say pecking her lips "you don't need to be scared baby becuase I promise your heart is safe with me"

"We should really get moving we need to get packed for our flight" she says resting her head against mine "but I don't want to leave your arms"

"Our flights not til later we have time" I say "let's just stay like this a little longer, is it too soon to say I want you for the rest of my life?" I ask and a big bright smile crosses her face

"No becuase I feel the same way" she smiles "I never knew you could feel this way so fast"

"Can I ask you something Ry?" I ask and she nods "have you enjoyed staying here with me?"

"Yes very much" she smiles "I'm sad to be leaving I love this place, but I'll be back again sometime right? Unless you haven't enjoyed having me here?" She says nervously

"I've loved having you here baby, you've made this place feel like a home" I say "what if you could come back here whenever you wanted?" I ask and she looks a little confused

"What do you mean?" She asks and I chuckle

"Tell me if it's too soon but I'd like to share my home with you Ry" I say "I'd like to ask you to move in with me?"

"Ro I......I don't know what to say" she gasps "that is a really big step"

"Say you'll live with me babygirl" I say pulling her close to me "I never want to spend a night in this house without you, I need you here with me"

"This is crazy" she smiles "but yes, yes I'll live with you Ro, I love you"

"I love you too baby, so much"  I say holding her tightly "it might be crazy but it feels right and that's all that matters"

In this moment as I held her close to me I knew this was just the tip of the iceberg, I wanted so much more with her, I wanted everything with her. One thing I knew for sure was when the time came for the next big step I wouldn't be asking her like this, it will be special, romantic and a day she will never forget.

"Hey where'd you go?" She smiles "you zoned out on me"

"Sorry babygirl I got lost in my thoughts" I say "have I ever told you how incredibly beautiful I think you are?" I ask leaning in to kiss her but she leans back

"Not so fast Mr what were you thinking about?" She asks

"I was thinking about us, the future" I smile "how happy you make me, how much I love you.....shall I continue?" I ask and she laughs

"No I get the picture" she laughs "you can have your little secret for now but I will get it out of you at some point"

"Me? Have a secret? Never" I smirk "I told you the truth I swear"

"Hmm I bet Dean and Seth can give me a few tips on how to get you to spill" she smirks

"Hey now there's no need to get Dean involved" I say and she laughs "you'll know when the time is right"

"Well at least now I know who will help me get the truth out of you" she laughs

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