24. Not What I Imagined

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Ryleigh POV

"Now.......like right now.......here?" Roman asks wide eyed "and you guys knew about this?" He asks looking around as everyone nods

"You......you don't want to marry me?" I ask nervously and he takes  my hands in his

"Babygirl I want to marry you more than anything but this isn't exactly what I had in mind for our wedding" he says and in that moment I feel my heart sink, looking in my eyes as they well with tears he sighs "Ry I want you to have a perfect beautiful day, you deserve so much more than a simple wedding in a las Vegas chapel"

I slide my hands out of his and take a few steps back from him, his brow furrows as he watches me move away from him. He takes a step towards me and I move back, each step he takes I move back until he realises I'm not going to let him close.

"I.....I need to get out of here" I say "Naomi can you take me back to hotel room? Would it be OK if I stay with you tonight?" I ask

Before Naomi can speak I'm swept up in a pair of strong arms and he starts to walk me away from everyone, I try to wriggle free but his grip is too strong, frustrated he shifts me so I'm over his shoulder and I hear him huff.

"Roman put me down right now!" I say hitting his back "I don't want to go anywhere with you"

"Too bad becuase you are and we're going to talk" he says "you are not running away from me this time, I want to know what's going on, why did you do this Ry?" He says finally putting me down on a bench

"I......I needed to know if you really wanted to marry me" I say as tears run down my cheeks "and I guess I got my answer, Roman you are under no obligation to marry me just becuase I'm pregnant, the last thing I want is you to be miserable" I say taking hold of the ring on my finger but he clamps his large hand over mine stopping me from removing it.

"Don't you dare take that off" he says crouching down in front of me "tell me Ry how do I prove to you that I love you? How do I prove to you that I want to marry you becuase I don't want to live my life without you in it?" He asks "I can tell you till I'm blue in the face but the second someone says otherwise you doubt me, I need you to tell me what to do becuase I just don't know"

"All the women on the roster are breathtakingly beautiful and then there's me, plain, nothing special" I sigh "you.....your gorgeous you should have a beautiful woman on your arm"

"I do" he says wiping my tears with his thumbs "I have the most beautiful woman on the roster on my arm, she is the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, I'm so in  love with her that of imlost everything tomorrow I wouldn't care as long as I had her, she's not like all the others, she's not fake or trying to be someone she's not, she's happy to just be herself, she has the biggest heart I've ever known, I don't need her to say she loves me becuase I see it in her eyes everyday and she is giving me the greatest gift I could ever ask for.....a child"

I say nothing just lean into his hand that is now cupping my cheek closing my eyes. I let out a soft sigh and then I feel his lips on mine, he kisses me softly so softly that his lips are barely touching mine.

"I wasn't saying that I didn't want to marry you I just don't want to marry you like this" he sighs "I want our wedding day to be special, a day neither of us will ever forget becuase I only plan on doing it once, look at me Ry" he says lifting my chin "is this really the kind of wedding you want?" He asks and I shake my head

"No not really" I sigh "I want what you want I just..........I let Sasha get in my head again I'm sorry.........she said she'd heard you telling Seth and Dean that you were only marrying me to do the right thing and you were sticking with me because I'm pregnant"

"Im going to be completely honest with you Ry, the day I asked you to live with me I was already thinking about proposing. When I told you I wanted you for the rest of my life I was telling you I wanted to marry you" he says "I had been secretly hoping you would fall pregnant becuase I want a family with you. My heart belongs to you and you alone, I love you so much Ry"

"I love you too Ro and I'm so sorry" I say and a small smile plays on his lips "I've ruined everything haven't I?"

"No" he says softly "you may have doubted me but you have also shown me just how much I mean to you, how much you love me. Not every one would do something this crazy to prove some one wrong, you may have had your doubts but I think you knew the truth in here didn't you babygirl?" He asks placing a hand on my heart and I nod

Roman wraps me up in his arms pulling me close and kissing the side of my head. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his chest listening to his heart beating. He had literally poured his heart out to me to show me he loved me and all becuase I'd let that bitch get in my head. This was going to be the last time I allow her to make me doubt this man.

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