4. Awkward

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Roman POV

I'm woken by Dean breaking abruptly as he parks the car outside the hotel. When I look down I see that Ry is still sleeping peacefully snuggled into my side. I smile before gently running my fingers over her cheek.

"Time to wake up babygirl, we're here" I say softly, slowly her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me offering the most beautiful smile. She sits up and stretches a little and I immediately miss the closeness, what the hell is going on with me?

"Did I really sleep the whole journey?" She asks and I smile

"We both did" I say "we obviously needed to catch up on our sleep"

"Did I.....did I say anything while I was asleep?" She asks nervously

"I didn't hear anything" I say "but if they did I'll make sure they don't mention it" I say and she visibly relaxes

"Thanks" she says "I guess we should get checked in" she says getting out of the car

I follow suit and grab our bags from the trunk, I follow her into the hotel lobby and up to the reception desk. As she starts to speak to the receptionist I suddenly realise I had discussed with her what I'd done, this is not how I wanted her to find out.

"Erm Ro, they're saying I don't have a room" she says looking worried

"Um you do" I say rubbing the back of my neck "it's just in my name, I phoned ahead and changed the booking so we were sharing a room"

"Why would you do that?" She asks looking confused

"You know why babygirl" I say and she smiles softly "I meant to discuss it with you on the way here and I'm sorry I didn't, if you want your own room I can stay with the guys"

"No it's fine" she says "I actually think it's kind of sweet you did that for me"

I'm well aware that her words have put that goof ass smile back on my face and I have no idea why I'm acting like this around her, I really need to get a grip.

I check us in and we head up to our room, I carry our bags while using my free hand to keep hold of hers, as I lace our fingers I feel her thumb gently rub my hand. Why do I have this need to have some kind of contact with her? Why can't I be around her without touching her?

I unlock the door and let her walk in first, as I close the door I see Ry stood staring at the double bed, slowly she walks around it and sits on the side by the window surprising me a little.

"Ry I swear it was supposed to be a twin room" I say "I'm sorry I just keep messing things up" I sigh

"No need to apologise Ro" she smiles "its fine, and let's face it I'd only end up in your bed cowering under the covers anyway"

"I just......I just don't want you to think I'm trying to take advantage  or I'm trying to make a move" I say "I would never do that......take advantage that is......oh god I'm just making this worse"

"Ro what's bothering you?" She asks "if sharing a room with me is a problem for you why would you do it?"

"Nothings bothering me sweetheart, I just want you to feel comfortable with me" I say "sharing a room with you is no problem at all, I did it last night remember"

"I do" she says quietly "I always feel comfortable with you, your one of if not the sweetest guy on the roster, you've been so good with me, why wouldn't I feel comfortable?" She says and I feel myself start to blush - what the fuck?

"So how are we going to work....you know getting changed?" She asks

"Oh erm I can go out the room or into the bathroom" I say nervously "I uh I didn't think about that part"

She chuckles softly and walks over to her bag, she pulls out some clothes before walking over to me. "Thank you for everything" she says before leaning up and kissing my cheek.

Her lips leave my skin and she turns to walk away I grab hold of her hand, she looks down at our hands before looking up at me and for a moment we just stand there looking at each other.

I take a step closer to her my eyes never leaving hers, I take a deep breath and swallow hard before letting go of her hand "your welcome" I say and a look of confusion crosses her face

"Oh right" she says "I'll get changed in the bathroom" she says before heading into the en suite closing the door.

I sink on to the bed and out my head in my hands, the hell was I thinking? Now is not the time to be trying to kiss her, I'm glad I stopped myself because things would have become a hell of a lot more awkward then they already are.

The door opens and when I look up she walks out in a tank top and shorts, she drops her other clothes on top of her bag and walks round to her side of the bed climbing under the covers and laying with her back to me.

I remove my shirt but leave my sweatpants on, I climb into the bed and lay on my side facing her, I reach out to put my arm around her but stop myself. Almost like she senses my hesitation she reaches behind herself and takes hold of my hand pulling my arm around her.

"Just in case" she whispers and I find myself smiling "Goodnight Ro"

"Goodnight babygirl" I say softly before pulling her close and closing my eyes

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