8. My Girl

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Roman POV

After our talk I had sat there for the longest time just cradling Ry in my arms as she cried. God knows what it had taken for her to open up to me like that but it was clear it was still very raw no matter how long ago it was.

Jacob had clearly been an important part of her life and she had been beating herself up for quite some time over his death. When it was time for her match I had walked her to gorilla and stood with her until her music hit. I gave her a quick kiss for luck and then watch her go through the curtain.

"That's it babygirl show her who's boss" I cheer from my spot backstage near a monitor

"I take it you two sorted things out?" Seth asks coming to stand beside me

"That's my girl right there" I say proudly as she hits a perfect spear

"Ro and Ry? It has a nice ring to it" he smiles "I'm happy for you man, I'm glad you figured things out"

"She opened up to me, finally let me in" I smile "I feel like I understand her so much better now, like I know what she needs and I'm going to be that for her"

I knew ultimately what she needs was to hear her brother tell her it wasn't her fault but I can't give her that. But I can help her find a way to forgive herself, she needs that more than anything.

"From the way he's smiling I'd say some ones in love" Dean says resting his arm on Seth's shoulder and smiling at me

"Whatever man" I laugh "I like her a lot, she's sweet, beautiful and I just want to protect her and keep her close but I'm not in love with her"

"Maybe not now but you will be I can smell it" he says "I smelt it the second you got over protective of her"

"Just look at her go out there" I smile changing the subject "she's a little fireball in the ring, and now she's my little fireball"

Ry gets the pin and the ref signals for the bell to rung, without thinking I make a move to head out to the ring but the guys stop me.

"Woah there casanova, I know you want to celebrate with her, but that out there is live TV and you are not part of her storyline" Dean says

"He's right" Seth agrees "and you know how Vince is you'll be writing yourselves straight into a romance storyline and your business will be out there for all to see, just wait she'll be back here soon enough"

Ryleigh POV

As the ref holds my hand in the air I look up the sky and blow a kiss, every win I achieve is for Jacob, he's the reason I'm here and I stuck with it becuase I didn't want to let him down and I felt I owed him that much.

I'd only spent a couple of days with Roman and I'd been his girl even less but already I felt different, he had changed something in me but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Letting him in scared the hell out of becuase I didn't know how he'd react but I was glad I'd done it becuase I no longer felt like I was keeping something from him.
As I walk into the backstage area I'm immediately swept off my feet and spun round.

"There's my little fireball" Roman smiles before setting me down and placing a quick brief kiss to my lips "congratulations babygirl you were incredible out there"

"You....you were watching my match?" I ask surprised

"Of course, I always watch your matches" he says "I have to support my girl don't I" he says taking hold of my hips and pulling me close

"You really think I was that good?" I ask and he nods

"You should believe in yourself more babygirl" he says

"I used to before...........his faith in me fuelled my faith in myself, I kind of lost that faith in myself after......you know" I sigh

"I know I'm not him and I don't want to take his place" he says softly "but I have faith in you, let me refuel that fire in you babygirl"

I sreatch up, take his face in my hands and press my lips to his not caring who sees, this man was mine and I wanted everyone to know just how lucky I was. He wraps his arms around me pulling my body flush with his as he kisses me back.

Breaking the kiss I keep hold of his face running my fingers over his beard as I look into his warm brown eyes. More than anything I wanted to let him do that for me but when I think about it I feel like I'm replacing Jacob and I don't ever want to do that.

"I want to but I don't know if I can" I sigh "I'm sorry Ro"

"Don't apologise I understand" he says "I don't want to replace him, I just want to be what you need"

"I know" I say "maybe in time but right now I just cant"

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