11. Show Me

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Ryleigh POV

When I walked out of the gym I wasn't thinking straight, I wasn't thinking at all I just wanted to get away from him, from the man that had betrayed my trust and broken my heart. After getting my stuff from Roman's house I had rented myself a car.

I had been driving aimlessly around Pensacola trying to find a hotel with a room available so far with no luck. For the first time ever I hadn't checked the weather reports and that's how I found myself driving around in a storm.
As it got louder I turned my stereo up into he hopes that it would drown it out, my heart was racing and my chest was heaving with every panicked breath.

Deciding that the safest option is to just park up somewhere until it calms down I pull into the first car park I find. By this point I was lost, I had no idea where I was and I couldn't even get myself back to Roman's house.
Climbing into the back of the car I curl myself up into the foot well behind the drivers seat and cover my ears as the tears begin to cascade down my face.

Roman POV

As Dean drove around town I was in the back seat frantic with worry, the storm was getting worse and there was no sign of Ry. Seth had called around every hotel we could think of but she wasn't booked into any of them.

I knew where ever she was she was terrified and angry or not she needed me. The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to find her, I couldn't leave her alone in this, I needed her with me in my arms where she was safe.

"We need to stop man, the storm is getting worse and there is no sign of her" Dean says

"No we have to find her" I say "if I know Ry she won't be driving right now so keep an eye out for random parked cars" I say trying her phone again "damn it Ry pick up" I growl as once again it goes to voicemail

"Hey there's are a car over there" Seth says and Dean immediately turns towards it.

"It's empty" he says as we get closer to it "there's no one in it"

"No look there's a light in the back" I say "it's her I know it's her"

Dean pulls up along side it and I literally jump out of the car, when I look through the window into he back of the car I'm immediately filled with relief "it's her" I say "you guys go I'll drive us back to my place"

Dean pulls away and I walk round to the other side of the car and get in the back, Ry is huddled into the foot well head down and hands over her ears. I reach out and take hold of her hands and she jumps a little.

"It's alright baby girl it's just me" I say softly and the second she hears my voice she jumps straight out of the foot well and onto my lap "it's alright I'm here, I've got you" I  soothe "you don't have to speak I just need you to listen, I haven't said a word to the guys about Jacob, what you heard was me talking about your self doubt. I don't say I love you just to say it, I say it becuase I am truly in love with you. Sure we're going to fight sometimes, everybody does we just have to get through it. I don't see me without you and I will choose you over anyone and anything, I just need to know you feel the same"

"I do" she says quietly "of course I do, that's why it hurt so much when I thought you'd told them, I should have known you wouldn't I'm sorry" she says

"Hey look at me" I say lifting her chin "I understand how it sounded, and I'm sorry too"

Ry shifts herself so that she is straddling me and I hold her hips gently, she looks deep into my eyes as my thumbs smooth over her toned stomach. She leans down and presses her lips to mine, my hands move down to her ass squeezing it gently and I hear her moan softly.

Moving back from me she sits up straight and slowly removes her gym top and my eyes trail up her half naked body. Her hands slide down my wet shirt curling under the hem and lifting it, I help her remove it and our eyes lock once again.

"I want you to show me Ro" she whispers "I want you to show me how much you love me"

Not needing to be asked twice I lean forward and place my mouth on one of her breasts, she moans softly as her fingers run through my wet hair. My tounge moves slowly over her nipple teasing it to arousal. As I move to her other breatst her free hand slides between us and takes hold of my length through my shorts. She strokes it gently almost like she's teasing me in return.

"Lift up babygirl" I say tapping her ass, she does as I ask and I remove her gym pants, I free myself from my shorts before taking hold of her hips and slowly guiding her down onto me.
We both take a deep in take of breath as I enter her and she begins to roll her hips.

"Shit baby just like that" I groan gripping her hips as she begins to buck them harder and faster, she leans forward and crashes her lips on to mine muffling our moans as the car starts to rock.

I feel her tighten around me as my own release begins to build, the closer I get the more aware I become that we forgot something important "Fuck I'm cuming Ro" she moans

"I need to pull out, I'm not wearing anything baby" I breath and she shakes her head

"It's fine" she says "don't stop now"

The next thing I know we both find our release, Ry collapses agaisnt me and I gently rub her back as we catch our breath. I feel her press gentle kisses on my chest before snuggling further into me.

"I love you Ry, so so much" I say softly as I kiss the top of her head

"I love you too" she replies "I never should have said what did, I don't want to let you go Ro"

"Good becuase I fully intend to keep hold of you babygirl" I smile "You're all I want, today, tomorrow, forever"

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