15. Taking It's Toll

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Ryleigh POV

It had been a whole month, a month of sitting at home with this stupid boot on my foot. Of not seeing or being with Roman and it was starting to take it's toll. I was going out of my mind with worry becuase I knew Sasha was going to try something while I was away although she hasn't done anything yet.

The last couple of phone calls with Roman had been tense to say the least, him knowing something was bothering me and me not wanting him to know what had really happened the day of my injury. All I could do was hope that she did nothing and left him alone.

To try and find some piece I had decided to go and visit my brother, as I sat by his headstone I could almost hear him telling my I was being ridiculous and to trust Roman but I just couldn't shake the sinking feeling in my stomach, the feeling that everything was going to go wrong. It seemed that losing Roman scared me way more than any storm.

"What do I do Jacob" I sigh "I can't be there to stop her, I'm helpless here, she going to take him I know it"

Just then there is break in the clouds and sun beam lands on the screen of my phone and the photo of Roman and I together. Out of nowhere my phone rings and Roman's name appears on my screen.

"Ro?" I say answering the phone

"Hey babygirl where are you?" He asks

"I'm uh, I'm sat with Jacob" I say "I needed to get out, get some peace"

"I was thinking that you and I need to talk" he says "I need you to tell me what's going on I can stand the way things are between us right now, I miss my girl and I want her back"

"Ro I'm not doing this over the phone" I sigh

"Neither am I, look up babygirl" with that my head snaps up and I see him walking towards me, I haphazardly pull myself to my feet and within seconds I'm wrapped up in his arms and his lips are on mine.

"God I've missed those lips" he says letting out a contented smile, as he does another sun beam falls directly on him and I know that's Jacob trying to tell me something.

"I've missed you too, what are you doing here?" I ask

"Like I said I can't stand how things are between us right now so I came here to get to the bottom of it" he says "and told tell me it's just frustration at being injured I know it's more than that"

"Do we have to talk right now? I kinda want to make up for lost time" I say running my fingertips over his chest

"I know what you're trying to do babygirl" he smiles "and I'm not ashamed to say it's working, come with me" he says taking my hand and leading me towards a large car parked up near by.


Laying in the back seat of the car in Roman's arms I didn't even feel slightly bad for what we had just done. I place light kisses on his bare chest and his fingertips move up and down my arm.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asks softly

"Sasha said some stuff before our match about you, about us" I sigh "she said she could have you whenever she wanted and she'd  prove it after she put me on the injured list"

"Let me tell you something about Sasha" he says "she hold grudges, doesn't take to well to being rejected and I turned her down, I wouldn't touch her if she was the last woman on earth and the planets survival depended on us reproducing" he says and I chuckle "what did she say about me?"

"She said you don't love me, and that you use those words to get what you want, that I was a time filler for you" I sigh trying not to look at him but he gently lifts my chin.

"Have I ever given you reason to doubt that I love you?" He asks and I shake my head "like I said she's bitter and twisted, I'm yours babygirl and no one else's, you have more chance of Dean shitting rainbows then Sasha getting anywhere near me"

"She's going to try something I know it" I say as I look into his eyes

"Let her, she'll fail" he says "please believe that I love you Ry, I don't have long this was a quick stop on the way to the next show but I dont want to leave until I've eased your doubts"

"You have" I say "thank you for coming to seem me Ro, it means alot"

Roman and I get dressed and he offers to drive me home, when he pulls up outside my house he gives me one last lingering loving kiss and then I get out of the car.

"See you soon babygirl, I love you" he says as I close the door

"I love you too Ro, I wish you could stay" I sigh

"Me too, and I will soon" he says "look after yourself and that ankle ok baby"

We wave goodbye and I watch him leave just as he disappears from view my phone beeps, when I look it's a message from Sasha

I told you

And I picture that almost makes me forget to breath, her and Roman lying in bed, her head on his chest and his lips pressed to her temple - had he really just lied to me to my face?

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