3. Ride Along

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Ryleigh POV

As I waited in he lobby for Roman I was nervous, Roman I knew well Dean and Seth not so much and I couldn't see the beige to happy about me crashing their ride.

As I wait I check the weather report, something I do religiously, I like to be up to date with the forecasts so that I'm prepared for when bad weather hits. From what I could tell although the weather had cleared up here it looked like we were following the storm, I just had to hope it didn't hit until we were at he next hotel.

"Relax babygirl we'll be there before the storm hits" a familiar voice says quietly almost as though he had read my mind as large hands rest on my shoulders.

"I hope so, I don't feel like embarrassing myself in front of anymore people" I sigh as I turn to face him "are you sure their going to be ok with this?" I ask nervously

"They got two choices" he smiles "they accept it or they walk to the next town" he says grabbing my bag along with his and then placing his free arm around my shoulders

"Ro listen I.........."

"Alright who's ready to hit the road" Dean calls out cutting me off mid sentence, but when I think about it, I'm glad becuase what I was about to say was stupid. I see Roman roll his eyes before turning to face him with a scowl

"Woah what did I do?" He asks holding his hands up

"You interrupted out conversation" Roman says "don't be so rude"

"I apologise, Ryleigh it's lovely to have you join us, I'm Dean, this is Seth and will be your chauffeurs for the duration of your journey" he says bowing a little and making me laugh.

"It's nice to meet you both and thank you for letting me tag along with you guys" I smile

"You're more than welcome, can't have you traveling alone now can we" Seth smiles "Alright we'll take all the bags to the car and leave you two to finish talking.

Once they leave Roman turns back to me and takes hold of my hands before looking straight into my eyes. I feel myself blush a little and then look down at the floor.

"What did you want to say to me sweetheart?" He asks and I just shake my head

"It doesn't matter, it was silly really" I say "we better get moving anyway"

"Not so fast Ry" he says keeping hold of my hands "I know I'm not Lacey, and I know we're not best buds or anything but I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. Whatever you tell me will stay between us no one will hear it from me"

"Thank you Ro, I appreciate that" I smile

Roman looks at me for a moment like he's lost in thought, a soft smile plays on his lips. He let's go of one of my hands but keeps hold of the other lacing our fingers as we walk to the car.

When we get there Dean and Seth are already in the front seats, Roman opens the door for and I slide into the back seat and he follows me. He sits next to me and we put on out seat belts.

"Dude you can not sit in the middle of the back seat" Dean says

"Why not?" Roman asks "there's a seat belt"

"Because I can't see round your big ass head" Dean says and Roman playfully punches his arm. He moves over to sit behind Dean and to my suprise he undoes my belt and pulls me over with him.

"Just in case" he whispers placing an arm around me and I nod before leaning into him.

"Looks like you got yourself a cling on there Ry" Seth laughs "please feel free to tell him to fuck off if he's getting to handsy"

"Oh I'm sure he'll be a perfect gentleman" I smile as I see Roman stick his tongue out at Seth

"See Ry knows the deal" he smirks "now how about you stick that big nose into the map instead of my business"

Seth laughs and turns to face the front, as he does I feel Roman pull me a little closer if that is even possible and I look up to find him smiling down at me.

"Let me know if I'm being too much" he says quietly so that they guys can't hear him

"No this....this is nice" I smile, as I look at him a feel this urge to lean up and kiss him, an urge that is almost impossible to resist.......almost.

I look away and rest my head against him closing my eyes. Maybe I can catch up on some sleep while we drive. At least if I'm asleep I can't do anything stupid.

"You going to sleep babygirl?" He asks and I just nod "you know I think I might join you" he says resting his head on top of mine and feel him let out what seems like a small contented sigh.

Maybe letting him look after me was going to be harder then I thought.

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