chapter one.

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"So you're telling me that whoever that woman got kidnapped, why?" My mind had millions of reasons why she got kidnapped

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"So you're telling me that whoever that woman got kidnapped, why?" My mind had millions of reasons why she got kidnapped. One, she's young. Two, she's very pretty. Three, she has a lot of money, and a lot of connections.

Captain Miller looked up at me, but instead of replying, he showed me a picture of a man.

Nicolas Balmorra.

The Capo of the mob in Los Angeles. We can't take him in because of his own help here in Angeles nine-nine.

My eyes went back to Captain Miller, I wanted to ask different types of questions.

First, what is their connection? Second, why is he involved? And third, what does this got to do with Nicolas Balmorra?

Miller understood me well, dropping a newspaper, containing one topic.

A sigh left my mouth while I read the newspaper article.

A sigh left my mouth while I read the newspaper article

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Oceana Balmorra.

He got married?

Nicolas Balmorra is not the type of person who would get married, we may not be close, yes. I only know a few things about him, and one of it is being serious about his job; which is being capo. So, why the sudden change?

I read further, our precinct being mentioned, my captain also being mentioned. Is this why he wants the squad to focus on this?

Everytime there was a meeting, our squad, Sarge and Captain Miller would be in a room, listening and planning out a trap. Yikes, I guess we have one.

There was ten of us, plus the sarge and the captain. Jenna, Angela, Roy, Joey, Carlos, Me, Captain Miller, Sarge Bobby, Ken, and The captain's secretary, Rose. We all get along, sometimes...

Everyone was already in their chairs, positioned and ready to listen. Except for Roy and Joey, who are the worst and corniest human beings in the precinct. They make the most awkward jokes. Having them is fun, until they tell dad jokes.

I sat down, chewing my gum and waiting for instructions.

As soon as the door opens, Sarge eyes it, Jenna sat quickly beside me with her coffee in hand. Sarge cleared his throat, an annoyed look written all over his face. The board was filled with pictures of Nicolas and Oceana. A beach, mall, restaurants, the Hollywood sign. Huh, funny. That place is closed.

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