chapter fifteen.

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He's back

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He's back. Who is? You know who.


The man that didn't show himself for two and a half days is back.

He had all the rights to come back, I guess.

I mean, if someone left and didn't say anything, they deserve a fat slap on the face. No matter who they are, or what they do. They deserve it all the way.

"White is a good look on you."

I swiveled in my chair. Xavier leaned on the door, a small smile written all over his face. He was the Fawad Khan of Mexico. I used to think he was siblings with him. They almost looked the same.

For me, he definitely looked like Fawad Khan. That was why I used to be head over heels for him.

"Still with the beard?" I asked.

Xavier wiggled his mouth, trying his best to try moving his chin.

I giggled.

He tutted. "This beard gets the job done." he spoke with a lot of pride.

I rolled my eyes at his attempt of making his beard look good, I took a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry about Alsace yesterday."

Xavier shrugged. "Boyfriends are meant to be grumpy, Lush. Wait— can I call you by your nickname?" he spoke quickly. I gave him a nod, sinking in on my chair.

This was Xavier, for heaven's sake. He's friendly and talkative, just like the old days. So, we'd get along again, just like the old days.

He sat on the floor, his back leaning on the wall while he stretched his legs and crossed his arms. For someone like him, he shouldn't be sitting on the floor. From what I recalled, his father is popular, which just makes him part of that.

If his fans sees him sitting on the floor, they might cry.

Actual tears.

"Well... how have you been?" he spoke curiously.

I shrugged. "Okay, I guess? You? How's the actor life going and moving?"

He chuckled at my question. "Tough. Being an actor takes up ninety-nine percent of my time. If Papa stopped being an arse, I couldn't be doing this."


I blinked. "What?" he asked.

"You said arse." I said.

He raised a brow. "And?"

I shrugged it off. "Nothing. Keep going."

He stared at his shoes, the silence outweighed our thoughts. His eyes fixed on his shoes, while I looked at him deeply.

He still looks the same. Just bigger and manlier.

Maybe his beard made him look more matured, or how deep his eyes go. He had his shirt tucked in today, not like two days ago, maybe it was because he didn't know he was going to have visitors. This way, he looked presentable. He sat stiff, an uncomfortable view for me to see. I mean, he was leaning on the wall, sure, but still, he looked damn near wanting to stand.

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