chapter twenty-six.

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I woke up hearing Alsace's heartbeat

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I woke up hearing Alsace's heartbeat. It thumped uncontrollably. As if it knew I was near, or it was just because he couldn't breathe. His eyes shut, and lips dry, I nuzzled against his neck. He still smelled good after the whole business last night. As if he didn't sweat.

I closed my eyes, the feelings coming back to me.

Maybe I was in love with him. Or maybe I just thought I was. Maybe it was all a game, maybe my heart thought he was someone else.

There was no way I would be in love with Alsace Montellia.

I get mad at him, annoyed. Sometimes, I can't take it when he's around, not even manage to calm down whenever he's near me. Is that love? Really?

I preferred it to be sweet, kind, and even fun. Someone who'd wait for me, respects my space, and loves abuela with all his heart.

That's what I want, right?

Not someone who would end up killing me, or someone I'd end up fighting with in the middle of the night, not someone who is frustrating, intoxicating and complicated. 

That'll be a huge mistake.

"Good morning?" Alsace spoke, his voice filled with sleep. I glanced up at him, and he yawned. I faked a smile, he won't know I'm faking it, nor if my heart is breaking. 

He won't know anything, how would he? He's the last person to realize what anyone is feeling.

"Hi." I replied.

He pulled me in closer, his hand finding a spot near my hip. 

"Funny. I was expecting you to be gone by the time I woke up." 

I blinked, pretending to yawn. "Well, lucky you, I just woke up." 

"Quit your job, Detective." Alsace blurted.

My forehead furrowed. "What," I laughed, sitting up a little. "are you talking about?" 

Alsace stared in the distance. "Quit. Stay with me, I don't know, let's run." 

I knew Alsace, knew him more than I knew myself. Why did he want to run? With me? Since fucking when? My head spun, not because of how confused I was, but because of the few reasons I had to go with him.

That was stupid. Fucking stupid.

I stood up, searching for my clothes. Alsace doesn't move. His ass still stuck on the bed. He doesn't look at me, still staring far away. He was being an ass.

"I have to take care of my abuela." I spoke.

"Stay with me, Alisha." 

I rolled my eyes. "You don't have responsibilities, no reasons, no priorities." I spoke. "That's just an ass move, is it not? If you don't like me, just say it!" 

"I have my reasons. I want you to quit for a reason." he insists. I rolled my eyes. 

"What are your reasons then?" I stopped trying to wear my leggings. It was pissing me off because first, I couldn't wear it, second, Alsace was not looking at me.

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