chapter eleven.

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What the fuck?

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What the fuck?

I blinked again, why is his car parked near my house? The lights were on, which meant abuela was still awake. I stopped my bike, parking it and removing my gear.

I searched for my keys, opening the door, the smell of pizza smacked me in the face. I heard abuela laughing loudly. I locked the door, removing my boots and went straight to the kitchen. There stood Alsace with a plate full of pizza slices.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I spat out when he saw me.

He shrugged, showing me the pizza. "Decided to treat abuela." he walked away, leaving me behind. I followed him walk through our house, he sat beside abuela. She looked at me, smiling widely while she ate her own slice.

"¡Tu novio vino y me preguntó si quería algo!" she said excitedly. Your boyfriend came and asked if I wanted anything!

"Abuela, you could've just messaged me." I told her, groaning from the attempt of wanting to become angry at her. She pouted, "I could've bought you pizza!"

"You... say 'no!'" she replied, searching for the words. I raised a brow, how is she speaking in English, and who the hell is teaching her? I glanced at Alsace, he grinned at my abuela.

"Are you teaching her how to speak in English!?" I asked him loudly.

He looked at me, and then shrugged once more. Enough with the shrugs, can he? He has done that way too much tonight, if he does it once more I'm gonna have to fucking hit him.

"I saw her." he told me. He pointed somewhere, I followed his finger. There was a huge stack of English textbooks in one corner, hiding from my eyesight. I glanced at abuela, she tapped the table softly.

I exhaled. Fuck.

I promised her that I will help her learn English so she doesn't have to stay home every day without doing anything, or communicating with anyone. I knelt in front of her, one hand on the chair. She looked at me with pure love in her eyes. It sparked with happiness.

She's been alone for days, weeks, even, because of how busy I've been inside and outside the precinct. It feels as if I've lost my own abuela, but she's still here supporting me whenever I needed it. I haven't done the same.

"We were supposed to learn together, remember?" I spoke.

She nodded. "Pero has estado ocupada." But you've been busy.

"Abuela, my priority is you. I don't care if I lose my job to keep you happy, alright?" I assured her. She nodded once more, now playing with her nails. I stood up, kissing her forehead. "Let me talk to my boyfriend for a minute."

Alsace glanced at me, his forehead wrinkling from what I said. I eyed him, then, I pointed my room using my eyes. He understood quickly, standing up from his chair, he went straight inside my room. Abuela let us go while she ate pizza with Drix around.

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