chapter twelve.

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I didn't have anything for Mexico

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I didn't have anything for Mexico. I've always planned to go there, though. I, also did not fucking puke. But I did shoot someone in the head that day. Well, he had to die. He knew he was going to die, it was just a shame that it had to happen there, inside my brother's mall.

Did he get mad about it? Very. Did I explain why I had to do it inside his mall? No. I wasn't really feeling excited about explaining something I don't think he'd understand. We might be brothers, but when it comes to businesses and wealth? We're different.

I still have no fucking idea why I ended up in front of Alisha's doorstep even though I knew she wasn't home yet.

Maybe I felt as if I needed to go back, you know?

I just had to go back here. My car decided to take me here, beside Alisha, eating pizza with her abuela while we wait for her to come home. The look in Alisha's face made me want to take a picture of her and frame it inside my own mansion.

It was unbelievable. Really.

Alisha rolled away from me, her back facing me. I know she's fully awake because of the way she's breathing, and how much she's been moving. I wanted to ask how her day went, but that's too normal, and I don't's not me?

Seriously, why am I even here? What's the fucking reason?

I like being here.

Maybe it's because I know I have a partner when it comes to annoying Alisha. The greatest Detective getting annoyed over little things that I do is the best highlight of my day, especially when I know abuela is on my side, just like tonight. She's such an angel, just like her granddaughter.

I've always wondered why there was another chair. It wasn't for Hendrix, that, I know. But who was it for? Alisha's mother? Her father? Abuela's husband?

I never felt like asking. No intentions of doing so, too. I stifled a yawn, I know I should sleep because I'm leaving early tomorrow for some meetings I need to attend to, but I just can't stop thinking. Alisha rolled once more, her facing me.

She had her eyes shut. slowly, she opened them. The dimmed lights were enough for me to see her with those shiny, round eyes.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hi." she replied.

"Not sleepy?"

I felt her nod, then she gave me a soft yawn. "Not really. You?" I tried to shrug. "Why did you pick Mexico, anyways?"

"Nice place. Beautiful people. music, and all that." I said. "How did your day go?" this way, she'd think I'm just changing the subject, and I hope she takes the fucking bait.

"You were there with me, remember?" she said. "I can't believe you puked." a giggle left her mouth, which she covered with a hand. I grinned, she giggles like a teenager. It's something I find beautiful about her, she tries to hide it, but she can't. Especially with me, literally.

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