chapter six.

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"Diaz, need you here in two!" Captain shouts in the hallways

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"Diaz, need you here in two!" Captain shouts in the hallways. Heads turned to me, but I didn't mind their lazy, curious eyes.

I stood up from my chair, checking the time. It's only four in the afternoon, time is moving pretty slow for me these past few days. Maybe because of how boring the events are becoming.

One week of no crimes? Seriously, the whole Los Angeles is either filled with drugs, or soon to be drugs. Everyone's been chill, some might say the world is starting to heal and rejoice. Is it the end of the world? Or is it a new start?

By then, everyone's doing their own thing, catching up with sleep, with friends, going out to party, early breaks, leaving early, and slacking off. I've finished almost twenty-eight of last year's criminal cases.

I entered Captain's office, a huge pile of papers on one corner, his plate name a little dusty because of how long it's been there. I glanced at him, he was reading a file.

"You called for me." I announced.

He looked up, removing his glasses that he'd use for reading. "Yes. Take a seat." he gestured. I sat down, glancing at my watch this time. "I have a small task for you."

"Shoot." I said.

"Alsace Montellia needs a female bodyguard for tomorrow night's Mont Gala." he stated. Fuck, where is this going and why does it sound insane and definitely not a good thing? "You do know who Alsace is, I assume?"

I nodded, crossing my arms before I do something with these damn hands that're ready to fucking hit that man. Alsace, I mean.

"And the Mont Gala?"

"The richest fundraising here in LA." I respond. "Last year they raised over a billion dollars." Funny, really. A room full of killers, all helping kids to have a bigger, better, brighter future. And to think that some of them would kill, ruin, use and pretend like humans aren't humans, they'd always end up fighting for power.

Alsace doesn't lose, of course. He was eighty percent of what they raised. He made Mont Gala, and I'm sure that he's very proud of his success and fame, same goes with the power he's holding.

"Well, he doesn't want to risk his life with just one bodyguard. He wanted someone to pretend like his plus one, and a bodyguard." Captain explained. "And you are my first pick, Detective. This is just a small task, of course. If you don't want it, Jenna can take it."

Jenna? She'd end up partying instead of doing her own damn job. Not that Alsace actually needs protecting. That man rules the underworld, what the fuck does he still need?

"I'll do it." I blurted.

Captain looked at me, surprised with my quick answer. I was surprised, too. But I already said my answer, and I can't back down.

He cleared his throat, "You're gonna need a dress that can fit two guns, and one knife. Rosania already has the outfit ready before she leaves this Friday." he tapped his pencil on the table while he waited for my reply.

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