chapter fourteen.

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"Xaviereno, look!" I giggled my way through the garden

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"Xaviereno, look!" I giggled my way through the garden. He followed me, I don't know how he does it, but he moves so quick and quiet. He must be a ninja, I used to think about it a lot. Xavier doesn't know it yet; but he's the love of my life.

For now, hiding it is the best way possible.

"Be quiet, Lush." Xavier whispered.

We were sneaking out, late at night, to go to a tattooist that Xavier knew from a friend. We paid him big, especially that we're doing it somewhere hidden and far away from everyone. Xavier had two big, scary and mean guards. They didn't like it when I was near Xav, or even when I looked at him.

He told me that they were just there to keep him safe.

I wasn't going to harm Xavier. No matter what.

Xaviereno is my best friend, always will be my best friend. And harming him means harming me. I didn't want that. No one did.

Xavier held my hand while we walked into the dark, our breathing steady and ready to run if we ever needed to. Our connected hands swayed side by side while we looked up at the stars. It was really dark near Xavier's house.

"I know what we can get!" he said.

I glanced at him, but I didn't even get to watch him smile and look up at the sky because of this damn darkness!

By the age of fifteen, Xaviereno knew how to speak Latin, French, Russian, and Spanish. I wonder where he gets the ability to speak all those languages all at once. Well, he told me that he doesn't speak all of it, just some.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You'll find out later, Lush." he spoke, chuckling softly.

Xavier was a mystery for everyone. He didn't speak much, or smiled much, not even look at anyone for a few minutes or more. Xaview was a closed person, only helping when needed, and giving if deserved. That's what I loved about Xavier; he was always too kind to everyone.

Xavier was the only one who looked at me, or even bothered to pay attention to me, or anything I did, or the small things I loved. He was there to watch me, pay attention to me, and smile... just for me.

"Don't forget, okay, Lush?" he reminded me once more.

The night was getting shorter, which meant I had to go back home; home was Los Angeles. Home wasn't here, with him.  In the night, we were everything. In the night, we could be anything. Just at night, we were loving each other to death.

We were the same age, the same mindset of marrying each other until we died.

"I won't." I replied sternly.

We found an old house near the lake. There, the tattooist stood, waiting for us.

He was a grown man, maybe twenty, Xavier knows him from his friend's dad. Who is here, too. We didn't know who to ask for help, that's why we have him.

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