As soon as i get out my car eben hugs me

Tegan : not a hugger not a hugger not a hugger
Eben : sorry i forget
Tegan: its ok
Eben ; come on and the boys are doing sound cheak so u ok chilling in green room
Tegan: yh i don't mind
Eben ; theres food
Tegan: oh get me in there i need food now
Eben ; come on

He kicks me my butt lightly and i slap his arm and we walk inside the venue heading to the green room

Tegan: so fill me in whats been happening with u
Eben: working on a new ep
Tegan: anything i can listen to
Eben : nothings finished yet but as soon as its done I'll send it over to u
Tegan: u better
Eben : now fill me in with u
Tegan: not much I've just been training over the last few weeks
Eben : training for what
Tegan: for my new job i am now officially a patient transporter i get to drive an ambulance
Eben ; how are u being trusted driving a an ambulance
Tegan: don't have scooby

He starts laughing

Eben ; scooby
Tegan: shut it i need to message my mum letting her know i got here fine
Eben : I'm getting coffee u want
Tegan: yes please
Eben ; ok be back in a second

He gets up walking out and i get my phone out my bag and i message my mum letting her know i was here and i go onto Instagram and i see that ben started following me and i follow him back

Eben : whos that
Tegan : ben hes my friends friend

He takes my phone off me

Eben: soccer player
Tegan: its called football and yes
Eben ; soccer
Tegan : don't even fight me on this
Eben: fine u call it what u want I'll call it what i want and coming from me a straight man hes decent looking .
Tegan: do u want his Instagram
Eben : no I'm good
Tegan: so your love life hows that
Eben : if i was taken or seeing someone i wouldn't have gone to Amsterdam so i think that answers your question
Tegan: i don't even want to know what happend in Amsterdam
Eben ; i wouldn't tell u what happened in Amsterdam anyway
Tegan: ok
Eben: hows yours them still crushing on Madison
Tegan: single and still very much crushing on Madison
Eben ; move on
Tegan: shh

I go on my phone and i message kayley

Tegan ; hey...your friend ben just followed me on Instagram did u give it to him ?

Kayley ; no maybe he looked u up or found u threw my friends list

Tegan: ok

Kayley : do u want me to message him see how he found u ?

Tegan : no its fine

Kayley : talking of ben he wants to meet u wanna come with when ever it happens

Tegan: maybe

Kayley ; I'll let u know when it happens

Tegan : ok

I put my phone down and i get up

Jonah: yoo so we are done with sound cheak and we are going to play catch and take some photos on stage come on
Tegan: hello to u to
Jonah : sorry hi
Eben ; come on

We walk out the greenroom and i follow behind the boys and we go on the stage and i say hi to the rest of the boys and i watch them all take photos

Tegan: how many photos do u need
Daniel: a lot
Jack ; we need them angles and we need different positions
Eben : this is a daily basis thing

I shake my head and i pick the ball up throwing it at the boys and they all scream

Zach : u aren't funny
Corbyn : good throw
Tegan: shame it didn't hit any of u
Jonah : uh we invited u here u should be nice to us
Tegan : changing the subject how are your girlfriends this question clearly isn't for daniel
Daniel : i could have a girlfriend
Tegan : do u
Daniel: no
Jack : gabbie is atchally here shes at the hotel at the minute and were doing good
Corbyn ; yh me and Christina are doing really good shes also at the hotel shes coming here soon
Jonah : tate isn't here and shes good
Zach: don't even ask
Jack: there off for the billionth time
Daniel : they will be on again soon
Eben ; as soon as u land LA they will be back on
Zach ; probably

Jonah throws the ball back at me and i catch it

Jack : I'm going on the balcony shee if someone can throw it to me
Zach : thats a sick idea I'm coming
Daniel: if u get up there in 60 seconds i will pay both 100 each

They both go running off and the rest of us start counting and they got up there in 45 seconds

Jack : oh dude
Zach ; money
Daniel : I'll send it over later jonah u have the best throw u do it
Jack : come on don't fail us
Eben : I'm next in throwing
Jonah : pass

I throw the ball at jonah and he throws it up and he manges to get up there

Corbyn ; holy shit
Jonah; ok was not expecting that to go up first try
Zach ; ball in coming
Eben ; don't break anything
Zach ; no promises

He throws the ball down and i chase after it and i almost trip over my own feet and they start laughing

Tegan : shut it

I throw the ball at eben

Jack ; come on big boy eben u can do it

He throws the ball totally missing

Corbyn : oh that was awful
Zach : u can do it better
Corbyn : I'll show u how the master does it
Jonah : can u be as good as me
Jack : come on

He throws the ball up and he almost gets it up there

Zach ; boo u suck
Jonah: close but no close enough
Corbyn ; better then eben
Eben : let me try again
Tegan : no i want to go
Eben ; go ahead

Corbyn throws the ball at me i throw the ball and totally miss

Zach ; why is everyone shit
Corbyn : I'd like to see u try
Zach : i will once someone gets it up here
David : boys u need to eat doors will open soon
Zach : food
Jack ; coming
Eben : come on

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