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I walk out of work and i go to my car and i cheak my phone and i have a message from Ben

Ben : i know your working but maybe when u finsh do u want to come to mine for a bit ?

Tegan ; I'll go home get changed have my dinner and then head to yours if u still want me to come round ?

Ben ; yh i still want to come round

Tegan: ok then I'll be an hour give or take

Ben : ok message me when your leave yours

Tegan ; i will

I put my phone down and i head home and my mum and dad were at work and luca ans my nan were asleep so i go straight upstairs changing into my clothes ans i head down stairs getting my dinner and i eat . I then walk out the door getting back in my car and i drive to bens

Tegan : hi
Ben : hey

He hugs me and we walk inside

Ben ; make yourself at home
Tegan : thanks
Ben ; do u want a drink or anything
Tegan: I'm ok thank u
Ben : how was work
Tegan : yh it was good sid u do much today
Ben ; played video games with madders
Tegan: is that it

We sit down on the sofa

Ben ;i don't get to do it often so yes i played video games most of the day
Tegan: ok
Ben : don't judge me
Tegan : trust me I'm not judging because of the video games
Ben ; but u are judging
Tegan: I'm joking I'm joking
Ben : no go away your judging me
Tegan : I'm not

He looks at me

Tegan: not judging u at all
Ben ; ok
Tegan: do u still want me to go
Ben : nah your staying
Tegan : what if i want to go
Ben ; do u
Tegan; not really
Ben ; oh my God i need to tell u something
Tegan ; ok
Ben ; so i did atchally do something today other then video games i went to the shop to get a few things and as i walk in baby wipes come flying out one of the isles and it hits this guys but no one was there .
Tegan: what
Ben ; wait for it anyway i continue to get what i need totally forgetting about the wipes and i go down the sweets isles and theres 2 guys in front of me and 1 of them throw something over the isles. And his friend then throws something over and all u hear is what the fuck

I let out a little laugh

Tegan: no
Ben: it was so funny
Tegan: so they were just throwing stuff
Ben: yh they threw it and then acted as if nothing happend
Tegan: wish i was there to see that
Ben ; was funny but who ever them sweets landed on i feel sorry for
Tegan: just doing your weekly shop and u get hit in the head by a pack of sweets

We both start laughing

Tegan: what would u do if u got hit by a pack of sweets in a shop
Ben ; probably be in pain and then we confused of where that came from i wouldn't even think that it came from above
Tegan: well now you've witnessed it u know its a possibility it comes from above
Ben ; guess so
Tegan : but please don't get knocked out by a pack of sweets if u get knocked out make sure it by something cool
Ben: coming from the one who fell up the stairs dead sober and got a haematoma
Tegan : oi

I nudge him and he starts laughing

Ben : how is your knee
Tegan: a few aches and pains here and there and still bruised but its ok
Ben : falling up stairs
Tegan; oh my God just fuck off

I cover my face and he start laughing and i stick my middle finger up at him and he grabs my hand and i look at him .

Ben ; ok I'm sorry i won't say anymore about u falling up the stairs sober
Tegan : thank u

We look at each other and he leans foward and he kisses me and i kiss him back

Tegan: oh this is a serious question it sounds stupid but i am dead serious
Ben ; ok
Tegan: what is your favourite number
Ben ; hows that a serious question
Tegan: just tell me
Ben ; 21
Tegan: nooo
Ben ; why is such a serious question
Tegan : i just have a thing with numbers i hate odd number
Ben : odd number
Tegan; i said it was weird i hate the fact I'm 21 because its an odd number i hate all odds
Ben: that is weird
Tegan : i know
Ben : i like that your 21
Tegan : why is 21 your favourite
Ben ; i was born 21st December and 21 has always been a luckey number for me
Tegan: ok
Ben ; what's your favourite number
Tegan: 12
Ben ; our favourite numbers are the same just turn them around
Tegan: oh yh
Ben ; so why 12
Tegan: i just remember 2012 being a really good year for me and the age 12 was also a good year for me
Ben ; do u want 12 kids
Tegan; hell no don't get me wrong love kids just couldn't have 12 could u imagine how much that would cost .
Ben : u said 12 your favourite number
Tegan: do u want 21 kids
Ben : no
Tegan : but u just said 21 is your favourite number
Ben ; be quiet

I lean over and i kiss him and he kisses me back

Ben : was that your wrist that cracked
Tegan ; yh
Ben : don't do that the sound of bones cracking is horrible
Tegan : what this sound

I start cracking all of my knuckles

Ben : stop
Tegan: i cam crack every other bone in my body

I crack my neck

Ben ; no no no don't do that

He gets up and i starts laughing

Ben ; stop u will give your arthritis if u do that
Tegan : u believe that
Ben ; not really just don't do that
Tegan : ok
Ben ; my whole spine just got shivers
Tegan : sit back down
Ben : are u going to stop
Tegan ; yes

He sits back down and he wraps his arm around me and i lean back on him

Ben : put them tik tok things on

I get my phone and i go tik tok and we watch some tik toks for a while

Tegan : are u falling asleep

I turn around facing him

Ben ; I'm so tired i close my eyes for a second the my head just drops
Tegan ; and then u jolt up
Ben ; yh
Tegan: I'll go home so u sleep
Ben : no
Tegan: yes its late

I put my hand on his leg and i stand up

Ben ; help me up
Tegan : yes old man

I grab his hands pulling him up and we go to the door

Tegan ; sleep well and I'll see u soon
Ben ; message me when u get home
Tegan ; i will

He leans down kissing me

Ben : bye
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i head home

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