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Tegan ; do u want any help
Nan : were ok
Tegan ; ok

I go to the front room sitting down and i go on my phone watching tik tok

Dad : turn that rubbish off
Tegan: turn your rubbish off
Dad : mine isn't rubbish your is a pile of shit
Tegan : isn't
Mum : get along u two

The door then goes and i quickly get up

Tegan : hi
Ben ; hi
Tegan: come in

He walks inside

Mum : hi
Ben : um hi
Tegan : ben this is my mum stella my dad david and you've met my nan and my little shit of brother luca
Tegan ; wait till u get to know him
Mum ; leave him alone make yourself at home do u want anything to drink
Ben ; uh water please
Mum : ok
Tegan : lets go to kitchen dinner won't be long

We go to the kitchen

Nan : hi
Ben ; hi
Mum : your water
Ben ; oh thank u
Nan ; dinner won't be long just take a seat
Ben ; do u need any help
Nan : no its fine all we have to do is dish up please just sit down
Tegan; sit

I get the cutlery and i lay out the table and we put the bowels down on the tabel and we dish up our dinners.

Dad : i looked at the table today i saw Leicester are pretty high up
Ben : yh were in a good position at the minute obviously theres always stuff we need approve on
Dad : yh well your not doing bad
Nan ; how long have u been doing the whole football thing not really into the whole thing but we want to get to know u
Tegan : please do not integrate him
Luca: integrate him
Ben ; its fine
Mum ; we integrate everyone that comes in this house
Ben ; my love football started when i very first kicked a ball
Dad : every kid loves kicking a ball
Mum : even the big kids
Dad : yh yh
Ben ; this is so good atchally having a home cooked roast
Mum ; nothing can beat it
Ben ; absolutely nothing
Dad : can't go wrong with it
Luca : I'm bored of roast
Mum : that's not true u love roast
Luca : still bored of them
Nan ; fine no more roast for u
Ben ; trust me you'll be missing out this is my first roast in a very long time and I've missed it and I'm sure if u stopped having them u would miss it .
Luca: maybe
Mum : are u close with your family
Ben : very close always been close so its hard living away from them
Nan ; where are they
Ben : milton Keynes i sort of grew up there
Nan ; sort of
Ben ; so my dads from new Zealand so i lived there for a while so sort of grew up in new Zealand and milton Keynes
Mum ; oh ok
Dad : milton Keynes isn't far from here is it
Ben ; meant to be an hour but with traffic its more 2 hours maybe 2 and half hours
Nan : how old are u
Ben : 23 in a few weeks
Tegan: ok enough with the questions now

I get up putting my plate in the dish washer and i get a glass of water and i sit down

Luca : do u play video games
Ben ; sometimes
Luca : what about fortnight
Ben ; i played when it first came out but i play other games now but barley
Dad: no one wants to talk about video games
Luca : i do
Mum : go put your stuff in the dish washer
Luca : can u watch YouTube in the front room
Dad : untill we've cleaned
Luca : ooo

He goes running off and we start cleaning up the table

Nan : sit down
Ben: i want to help

We put all left over food in the fridge and everyone goes in the front room and me and ben go to the conservatory

Tegan : i forgot to warn u about the interrogation
Ben ; its fine i think its normal to be interrogated
Tegan: its embarrassing and i am sorry
Ben : stop its fine

I look up at him

Tegan : still embarrassing
Ben : its normal and i don't care about being asked a sevral questions
Tegan: but u didn't come here to be questioned
Ben ; oh well it doesn't bother me so don't let it bother u or what ever
Tegan : ok fine
Ben ; so is every Sunday like this u lay all the food on the table and u help yourself
Tegan : yh its easier that way because we can't rember every like and dislike so just lay everything on tabel and help yourself.
Ben: i like it that way
Tegan: its nice
Ben ; the food was amazing u don't atchally understand how happy i am
Tegan : well every sunday is like this and anyone is welcome so if your around on Sundays your more then welcome
Ben ; don't cause i might show
Tegan : u can

I lean back and he starts laughing

Tegan: what
Ben ; your feet don't even touch the floor
Tegan : oh for fuck sake
Ben ; short ass
Tegan: this is a high sofa
Ben ; i can still touch the floor
Tegan: because your taller then me
Ben: short ass

I nudge him

Tegan : be nice

I put my legs over his lap and he hold onto my legs and he leans his head against my head and i get my phone and i take photos of us and i use funny filters on us and then i just went onto tik tok

Ben ; have u made any tik toks
Tegan : i have
Ben : can i see them
Tegan ; no there nothing serious me and my friends done them as a joke
Ben ; then show me
Tegan: no
Ben ; oh come
Tegan: no absolutely not
Ben : i guess I'll have to download the app
Tegan: u do that
Ben : i will when i get home
Tegan : ok
Ben: i guess i should make a move
Tegan: in a minute

I wrap my arms around his neck and i kiss him and he kisses me back

Tegan : mmm k

I get up ans he stands up hugging me and we go to the front room

Tegan: bens going
Nan : it was nice meeting u
Ben : thank u for having me
Mum : of course your welcome back round for evee
Ben ; thank u
Dad : bye
Ben ; bye thank u again
Tegan: see u Thursday
Ben ; see u then

He walks out the door and i shut the door

Mum ; i like him
Nan : he reminds me a bit of tom
Mum : yh him and tom are the best the others no
Tegan: well glad u like him
Dad : he seems nice just be careful hes a footballer and footballers don't have the best reputations .
Mum : yh be careful
Tegan: i will

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