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Tegan ; happy birthday my baby
Kayley ; finally your here

I hug her

Kayley ; holy shit did u hug me are feeling ok
Tegan: shh how are u hows your birthday been
Kayley: I'm brilliant todays been brilliant and i Got the gift u delivered so thank u baby
Tegan: that's ok god how many people do u know
Kayley: i don't think i know half of them friends were like can i bring someone and i just said ok
Tegan: oh right
Kayley: oh well more people to dance with take a shot with me and them dance
Tegan: ok
Kayley ; its an open bar aswell so help yourself
Tegan; alright ok

We go up to the bar and we order tequila shots and we take them

Kayley; oh jesus
Tegan: that was nice
Kayley: how can u just shot that and not react
Tegan : i have no clue...can i have desperado please

The man gets me my drink and me and kayley go to the dance floor and we start dancing together and we join in with people .

Sophie: your ex is here
Me tally and kayley : whos
Tally : where
Sophie : tallys
Kayley ; i swear to god i did not invite justin
Tally : why the fuck is here and why the fuck is he looking at us

I stick my middle fingers up at him and tally joins me

Sophie: oh my god
Kayley ; i freaking love u 2 and I'm going to tell him to get lost because no one likes him and i need another drink .
Tally : ok

She walks off and tally dances on me and i slap her butt

Sophie : cheeky
Tegan : its got to be done
Tally : also my kink
Tegan: oh
Tally : you'll need to know for later
Sophie : why do u guys always do this
Tally : because i get drunk become flirty and horny and shes the only who will flirt with me. Soph if u flirt back I'd flirt big time with u
Sophie; been a relationship for years i don't know how to flirt anymore
Tegan : tally teach her
Tally : i will don't u worry
Kayley : lean back all of u and open your mouths i manged to get the bottle of tequila
Sophie ; oh shit
Kayley ; come on and take it all
Tally : hello
Tegan: go

I lean my head back and she pours the tequila into my mouth and then tally sophie go and i pour it into kayleys mouth .

Kayley : uhh
Sophie ; no nope I'm done
Tegan : enjoy I'll be back

I walk away and i go to the bathrooms doing my business and i head out going bacl to the girls and we go back to dancing

All of us : with a tatse of lips I'm on ride your toxic I'm slipping under with a tatse of poison paradise I'm addicted to u don't u know that your toxic
Sophie : queen britney
Tegan : shes so hot
Tally ; shes not your normal type
Kayley : she seeing someone and hes not her usual type
Tally : no way
Sophie ; who are u seeing
Tegan : just seen ben a few times
Sophie: called it jamie owes me
Tally : bro whos stolen u from me
Kayley ; hes just thers
Tally : wait hes here i gotta meet him see the dick whos stolen my bitch
Tegan: I'm no ones bitch thank u very much
Tally : your my bitch show me where he is
Kayley : good luck

Me and tally walk off going over to ben and leo

Tally ; holy fucking shit your hot and so are u
Ben : um...
Leo: right
Tegan : guys this is tally , tally this is ben and leo
Tally : hi
Ben : u look really nice
Tegan: thank u , u look nice aswell
Ben ; thanks

We look at each other and he wraps his arm around me

Ben : do u want to stay at mine tonight i do have training in the morning but u can sleep
Tegan ; don't have anything at yours
Ben ; u can wear my Leicester shirt
Tegan; no way
Ben ; no but u can wear my clothes if u don't want to then its fine
Tegan: I'll stay at yours but i refuse to wear a Leicester shirt
Ben ; i won't put u in a Leicester shirt i promise
Tegan; thank u
Leo : right go away
Tally : come out side with me
Ben : be safe
Tegan: and u

Me and tally walk away going out side

Tegan: the smell of cigarettes atchally makes me want to throw up
Tally ; it doesn't smell very nice i know but the tatse is better
Tegan : no
Tally : try
Tegan: I've tryed and that shit is disgusting
Tally : what about my vape
Tegan : what flavour
Tally ; fruit twist

She hands it to me and i try it and no word of lie of coughing my lungs up

Tegan: no
Tally ; once u have takes of it you'll be fine
Tegan: I'm good thank u
Tally ; ok
Tegan :can i have the tequila
Tally ; I'm not even drinking it kayley just have it to me

She hands me the bottle of tequila

Tegan: this is so lethal for me tequila tatses nice to me so I'll drink and drink and then it will just hit me
Tally : get fucked up
Tegan ; if I'm going back to bens no chance
Tally ; I'm surprised u like him he isn't your usual type hes fit the usual people u like are fuckin ugly
Tegan : they aren't ugly and ben is lovely nice funny and super fit
Tally ; hey if that doesn't work out I'm sorry but i would try it with him but I'll definitely be putting it on leo tonight
Tegan: he isn't into one night stand
Tally : screw having a relationship i spent almost 7 years in a relationship i want to hoe around a bit

I let out a little laugh

Tegan: theres u who spent a very long time in a relationship and then theres me who can't stay in a relationship to save my life . Or i get in a 6 month relationship and for it to be akward the whole time
Tally ; i believe your luck has changed now lets go back in I'm cold and the music is just getting better
Tegan : agreed

We walk back inside and we join in with everyone dancing and singing along to the music

Tom: she wanted to say goodbye
Kayley; i am going home i have thrown up and i don't feel well so i need my bed now
Tally ; ok we love u
Kayley; i love u both aswell i will see u guys soon
Tegan: see u in January
Kayley: see u then baby
Tegan: enjoy the rest of your birthday
Tom ; wish me luck
Tally ; take care of her
Tom : i am say bye
Kayley : byee guyss
Tegan: bye

They walk off and we continue to dance for a bit and i finish the rest of the tequila

Tegan ; i gotta pee again
Tally ; go pee I'll find sophie
Tegan : i might find ben he has training in the morning and it is super late
Tally ; ok but we go out at some point
Tegan: definitely love ya
Tally ; love u too

I go to the bathroom and i do my business again and i walk out and i find ben

Tegan : why are u alone
Ben ; leo left and i don't really know anyone else
Tegan : do u want to go
Ben : only when your ready
Tegan; I'm ready now
Ben : so am i
Tegan; lets go then

I hold into his arm and we walk outside

Ben ; i ordered a taxi should be here soon i want a subway do u want one
Tegan: no thank u I'll wait here i need fresh air
Ben ; ok i won't be long
Tegan: ok

He walks across the street and i lean against the wall going on my phone

Ben : i got u a sub way for in the morning because i don't have a clue what food i have at home
Tegan: oh thank u
Ben : i got u a water aswell
tegan: i am so thirsty so thank u , u certainly know how to look after a girl
Ben : getting them points
Tegan : yh u are

The taxi then pulls up and we get in and it takes us to bens

Ben : are u ready for bed
Tegan ; shattered
Ben ; thank god because i am tired aswell i have to be up early
Tegan ; sleep

He grabs my shoulders leading me upstairs and he hands me some clothes and i get changed

Ben : toothbrush
Tegan: thank u do u have wipes or something
Ben : under the sink
Tegan ; ok

I brush my teeth and i go throw my bag finding my brush and i brush throw my hair and i find the wipes removing my makeup.

Ben ; sleep

He picks me up and i wrap my arms and legs around him and he carrys me into his room putting me down on the bed and jumps on the bed

Tegan: night
Ben : night

I lean over kissing him

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