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I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to bens and i message him saying i was out side

Ben : hey
Tegan : happy early birthday
Ben : thank u
Tegan : your gifts are in the back its up to u if u want to open them now or tomorrow
Ben ; what do u want me to do
Tegan: its totally up to u
Ben ; I'll open it now

He reachs into the back getting the gifts and he opens it

Tegan; if u don't like any of it i still have the receipts so it can be changed
Ben ; no i like it thank u
Tegan: well just saying
Ben ; the shirts are nice there my style and i needed a new chain i love it thank u
Tegan: happy birthday

I carry on driving and we get to the restaurant

Tegan ; what are u going to get
Ben ; main steak easy but i don't know if i want a starter or pudding
Tegan: both
Ben ; I've never been able to eat a full 3 course
Tegan : no i haven't either
Ben ; what are u going for
Tegan; garlic bread and the burger
Ben : i think I'm going to have the prawns

This women comes over taking our orders

Tegan : so i know u have the game tomorrow but then that what are your plans
Ben : the obvious travel play the game then me and madders and a few other players are gonna go out celebrate a bit .
Tegan : your family
Ben ; well after tomrrows game I'm heading up to family spend Christmas and a few days there
Tegan : ah ok
Ben ; god i am getting old
Tegan: not really your almost 23
Ben ; sounds old
Tegan: do u feel old
Ben ; no
Tegan; and u certainly don't act old so u aren't old
Ben : what so when i start feeling old thats when i am old
Tegan: yes and no uhh

He starts laughing

Ben : I'm trying wind u up i know what u mean

I shake my head and i hold onto his hand

Ben : i think when u get back from your holiday i say we get a Indian takeaway or we go to a restaurant
Tegan : i love Indian food
Ben : whats your go to curry
Tegan: when ever i get curry me and whole family share but i always choose madras
Ben : thats so spicy
Tegan: i love spice
Ben ; i like it aswell but a madras to spicy for me
Tegan: what do u normally get
Ben : pathia
Tegan : thats a good one
Ben : sorted then we get a curry for our next date
Tegan; its going to be like a month away
Ben ; something we can look foward to
Tegan; i guess so
Ben : so after this do u want to go back to mine for a bit
Tegan: u have to be up early
Ben : it won't be massively late once we finish eating
Tegan; I'll come round

Our starters arrive and we eat

Ben ; so good
Tegan: looking foward to my burger
Ben : so am i I've seen what the steak looks like and its amazing
Tegan : all the food looks amzing here
Ben ; it does i say u cook me something like this
Tegan; i know i did catering and hospital for a good few years but that was a few years ago now my cooking wouldn't be any where near this standard of cooking .
Ben ; i bet u its better
Tegan: i bet u it isn't
Ben ; fine we'll just have to find out
Tegan : maybe
Ben : one day
Tegan ; just don't have high expectations
Ben ; ok
Tegan : oh yh I've got u a Christmas present and it hasn't arrived yet and i knoe we won't see each other untill I'm back for my trip so can i give it to u when i come back
Ben ; thats fine yours hasn't arrived either i did my Christmas shopping way to late.
Tegan; i told u to do it sooner
Ben ; i know i know time just got away from me hopefully it will be here just in time for Christmas
Tegan: i hope it arrives in time
Ben ; i hope it does aswell
Tegan : didn't u get any emails saying when its meant to arrive
Ben ; a load of stuff was meant to arrive today and yet nothing
Tegan ; well hopefully tomrrow then
Ben ; hope so
Tegan: yh

I take my jacket off

Ben; u hot
Tegan: its boiling
Ben ; u know been complaining its to cold now its hot
Tegan : and later on we will be complaining were cold
Ben ; u can never win with the wether
Tegan: thats England for u tho
Ben ; if u could live any where in world where would u choose
Tegan: um...Iceland
Ben ; Iceland
Tegan: yh I've been to iceland i loved it and i hate the dark and when i went it never got fully dark so that was great the wether kinda puts me off tho
Ben ; u don't like the dark
Tegan; Hate it
Ben: why
Tegan: always have and probably always will
Ben ; ok
Tegan: where would u live
Ben ; don't ask because i don't know

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : ok

Our food then arrives and we eat and i pay for our meal and we head out to my car

Ben : can i please pay aleast some money towards the meal it was expensive
Tegan; no your birthday meal
Ben ; it was expensive
Tegan; I'm paying for the meal end of discussion
Ben : ok thank u

He puts his arm around my chair and plays with my hair and i drive us back to his

Ben : I'm going to have a tea do u want one
Tegan ; ooo that would be really nice please
Ben ; u have a little bit of milk don't u
Tegan : yh
Ben ; I'll make them get comfortable and choose a film or a show and we can just chill
Tegan; ok

I take mt shoes off and i go to the front room sitting and i look throw the films

Ben : your teas on the tabel
Tegan : thank u

He lays down on the sofa resting his feet on me

Tegan ; ew
Ben ; u do it to me all the time
Tegan; fine
Ben ; have u found anything
Tegan ; something marvel
Ben ;love marvel
Tegan: football marvel curley chip and any romance book is the way to my heart
Ben ; u still have a thing about fictional men
Tegan: always

He shakes his head and i let out a little laugh

Tegan : i gave u a category u choose which marvel film
Ben ; lets go with end game
Tegan: end game it is

I put on end game and we chill for the rest of the evening

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