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Tegan : hey
Ben : sorry i didn't mean to wake u
Tegan ; u didn't
Ben : i have to go but go back to sleep and your subway is in the fridge and just help yourself to anything
Tegan: thanks
Ben ; i mean it just make yourself at home
Tegan; ok now don't be late
Ben: i won't can be here when i finish training
Tegan: ok
Ben: good I'll see u soon

He leans down kissing me and he walks out and i turn on my side going back to sleep for a few more hours

Skip a few more hours

I get out of bed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out making his bed and i go down stairs . Making myself a coffee and i find the subway sandwich in the fridge and i sit down eating and my phone starts ringing

Tegan: hello
Mum : where are u i just woke up and u aren't here
Tegan: i stayed at bens i did message u
Mum ; did u
Tegan : yh
Mum ; well u should have called i almost had a heart attack
Tegan ; i didn't want to wake u
Mum : well next time wake me are u still at bens
Tegan ; yh I'm staying here till he gets back from training
Mum ; ok well just let know in the future if u aren't coming home and I'll see u in a few hours .
Tegan: see u then

She hangs up and i go on my phone for a bit and i post on Instagram



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Teganeze : i was very cold while taking theses

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Teganeze : i was very cold while taking theses

I go off Instagram and i message chelsey

Tegan : happy birthday my sagittarius queen

Chelsey: thanks queen

Tegan: isn't it early over there

Chelsey: it is very early but were all going on a boat so u have to be there by 10

Tegan: so a boat day

Chelsey : yh its gonna be good

Tegan: i bet it is enjoy your day

Chelsey: i will thank u for the British candy

Tegan: that's ok

Chelsey: hurry up and get back to LA so we can celebrate my birthday

Tegan: less then a months

Chelsey: yayyy see u then

Tegan: see u then

I then start looking at Christmas presents for everyone and i manged to find a few things so i orderd them and then i just chill on my phone for a bit .

Ben : hey
Tegan: hi u ok how was training
Ben : it was good but i am so tired
Tegan : was it last night
Ben ; might be i don't know

He grabs my hands

Ben ; hows your day been
Tegan: been ok pretty much just ordered Christmas presents
Ben ; oh jesus i haven't even got anything yet
Tegan ; its already December
Ben ; i know i know I'm going to start ordering stuff soon
Tegan : ok
Ben ; don't even know what to get anyone
Tegan: no i didn't have a clue either
Ben ; i love Christmas but i hate having to find presents i never know what to get anyone
Tegan : its a stressful time but once its Christmas day and the food is cooked u can then relax
Ben: i love Christmas food
Tegan ; so do i u get so full but its so good that u just carry on eating
Ben : exactly what i do and then later on u make yourself another plate
Tegan: and then the next day bubble and squeak
Ben ; oh my God now i can't wait for Christmas
Tegan: so am i
Ben ; i miss Christmas dinners and roast dinners
Tegan ; why roast dinners
Ben ; i haven't had a roast dinner in months i can barley cook so no point in me even trying to make a roast dinner and going out for a roast dinner just isn't the same as having a home made roast.
Tegan: come round mine for a roast we have one every sunday
Ben ; go to yours
Tegan: u said u missed roasts and tomorrows sunday which means roast so yes come to mine but if u don't want to then don't worry
Ben ; would your parents be ok with me coming
Tegan : yes they always make to much food and anyone is welcome they will be fine with u coming. So is that a yes
Ben ; big fat yes

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : ok well untill tomrrows roast can i cook u dinner
Ben: i mean yh if u want to
Tegan : yes

I stand up kissing him and i go to the kitchen and i get started on making dinner

Ben : what are u making
Tegan: are u good with spice
Ben ; good with a little of spice
Tegan : spicy chicken pasta if thats ok
Ben: yh thats fine
Tegan: i won't make it massively spicy
Ben ; do u want any help no promises I'd atchally be any help but i can try
Tegan : I'm ok

He nods his head

Ben ; well just call if u need any help...i feel bad u cooking and your the guest
Tegan ; i wanted to cook i love cooking and i want to show my cooking off to u
Ben : what so I'd wife u up
Tegan: hey calm down now
Ben ; oh shut up

I let out a little laugh

Ben : we do need to go on another official date
Tegan; we should do mini golf
Ben ; I'd be down for that
Tegan ; ok
Ben ; i have my game Monday but after that I'm free
Tegan: what about Thursday because i have a work
Ben ; Thursday works for me so
Tegan: sorted then mini golf it is
Ben : mini golf it is

I continue to make us dinner and once it was done we ate ans cleaned up

Ben ; hey i have a question
Tegan : ok
Ben ; the thing jamie got for your birthday have u used it

I shake my head

Ben ; I'm just curious
Tegan: shut the hell up
Ben ; come on
Tegan; ben
Ben ; tegan
Tegan : go away
Ben ; just a yes or no answer
Tegan: mind your damn business Benjamin

He starts laughing and i push his face away

Ben ; fine fine I'll stop

I look at him and he puts his hand on my face kissing me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw

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