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Teganeze : happy birthday @ corbynbesson

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Teganeze : happy birthday @ corbynbesson

I put my phone down and i lay down and i finsh the last few pages of my book

Tegan: no freaking way

I sit up

Tegan : nooo
Luca : what are u shouting about
Tegan: shouting about a book
Luca : why
Tegan: because i just got left on cliff hanger so now i have to wait till the last book gets here
Luca : what happend in the book
Tegan: theres 2 brothers and a family friends daughter and the daughter liked the older brother but he was bad news and so the younger brother made a move and she dated him for years and at there wedding the older brother tells his brothers girlfriend that he loves her .
Luca : oh

He walks out and i make a weird noise out of frustration and i get my phone cheaking to see when the next book would arrive it wasn't coming for a few more days .

Tegan : uhh

I then get a message

Kayley ; hey

Tegan : hey

Kayley; do u like ben ?

Tegan: wheres this coming from ?

Kayley: me and ben were hanging out this morning and u came up and he accidentally let slip he wanted to ask u out

Tegan: ohhhh right ok

Kayley : so do u like him?

Tegan: yh

Kayley ; so if he did ask u on a date u would say yes

Tegan: yes

Kayley : thanks for telling me u like him

Tegan : I'm not going to message u out of no where being like oh yh i like ben

Kayley: well u should so does this mean your over Madison

Tegan : yh

Kayley : about damn time

Tegan : shut up he's just messaged me

Kayley : keep me updated

I go onto bens message

Benchilwell : hey

Teganeze : hi can we just get each others numbers i hate useing Instagram for messages

Benchilwell: yh

He sends over his number and i message there

Ben : do u remember the other day when i asked if i could ask u something and then i said don't worry

Tegan: yh i remember

Ben : can i ask it now

Tegan : yes 😂

Ben : would u want to go for a few drinks ?

Tegan: some drinks would be nice

Ben ; maybe a date

Tegan: is that u asking me ?

Ben : probably the shittest way you've been asked out but yes this is me asking

Tegan: not the worst and yes

Ben : are u happy with drinks

Tegan: drinks sounds good when were u thinking ?

Ben : what days work for u because i have the whole weekend off

Tegan ; is tomrrow ok I'm working till 11 for the rest of the weekend

Ben : tomrrow is fine I'll pick u up

Tegan: i can meet u some where

Ben ; I'll pick u up

Tegan; are u sure because i can meet some where

Ben : your on the way into town it isn't any trouble

Tegan: ok well i was just making sure

Ben: no i am happy to pick u up

Tegan: ok

Ben ; is 7 ok

Tegan: 7 if perfect

Ben : ok i will see u at 7 tomorrow

Tegan : see u then

I go off message and i call kayley

Kayley : what happend
Tegan: so were going on a date tomrrow and i already regret saying yes i am sweating so much my heart is pounding why did i agree to this i like him but i am terrified. 
Kayley : you've met up with him before alone
Tegan: yh but the difference is this is a date now
Kayley: don't panic
Tegan: oh I'm panicking I'm about to die
Kayley : u aren't about to die
Tegan ; my heart is pounding 
Kayley : I'm coming over
Tegan : thank u bye

I hang up and i get up going down stairs

Mum : what
Tegan : nothing I'm going tomorrow night
Mum ; ok where are u going and whos going
Tegan : going out for drinks with ben
Mum : whos ben
Tegan : kayleys friend
Nan : why are u hanging out with kayleys friend alone
Tegan : because it is a...date
Mum : so your going for drinks
Tegan: yh
Nan : who asked who
Tegan; please don't start asking 20 questions can i please just say I'm going out for a few drinks with a guy and u leave it at that.
Mum : no we ask theses questions for your safety don't be david
Dad : what
Mum : shes going on a date
Dad : oh nice
Nan : where did u meet him
Tegan: it was threw kayley
Mum : what does do for a living
Tegan : dad will kill me
Dad : why will i kill u
Tegan: footballer
Nan : oh football for god sake 
Mum : hes a footballer
Dad : Premier league player
Tegan: yh also plays for England
Dad : who
Tegan ; ben chilwell plays for Leicester and England
Dad : right so u support Chelsea but going onna date with Leicester player
Mum ; useing him to get close to a Chelsea player
Nan: stella
Tegan : i wouldn't do that
Dad : u make no sence just make sure u get me free tickets to Man United

I shake my head and i go to the kitchen making myself a cup of tea and i go back upstairs and i look throw my wardrobe

Kayley : u calmed down
Tegan: no and I'm still dying
Kayley : u aren't dying
Tegan: what do u even say on a date
Kayley : just speak like u normally would just forget theres a date label thing
Tegan: I'm gonna throw up
Kayley : your so dramatic
Tegan : I've only ever been on 2 dates
Kayley : you'll be fine bens nice u know this so relax don't be so dramatic and think your gonna die or throw up . Lets figure out what your going to wear
Tegan: I'm just going to cancel
Kayley : no u aren't
Tegan: kayley me and dating never goes well u know this
Kayley : grow a pair of balls
Tegan : fineee

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