Skip a few weeks

Luca : bike ride
Tegan; its 8 its late
Luca ; please
Tegan ; its also cold and raining
Luca : please 
Mum : oh go on
Tegan ; u go out there
Mum : absolutely not
Tegan: fine but u stick with me
Luca : i will

We go into the garden getting our bikes and we go throw the gate

Tegan : i left my phone inside
Luca : u won't need it come on
Tegan: no getting hurt we will go round by jamies and then head back
Luca : ok

I get on my bike on and we ride up to jamies which took 20 minutes to get and then we headed back home which took a bit longer because we were both tired and the rain had got harder .

Luca : I'm wet
Nan ; u both look like had showers
Tegan: i needed a shower not so sure now
Mum ; both of u change
Nessa : have fun
Tegan: it was fun atchally I'm gonna shower

I go upstairs to my room getting my pjs and i go to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out .

Tegan: why are u on my phone
Nessa : doing exactly what u did to me when i got in a relationship
Tegan: huh
Nessa : your boyfriend messaged so i send him shes busy bro
Tegan: oh for fuck sake i done that when i was 18
Nessa : still done it to me now i got my payback and I'm so happy i did
Tegan: why
Nessa : so he put do u want to do something and i put bro shes busy and he put whos this and i puts shes busy so just leave her alone . He put why are u on her phone can i please to tegan . Me nah bro shes busy now leave us alone and try again later or don't i don't care
Tegan: nessa
Nessa : its funny

I take my phone back and i call him

Tegan: let me explain
Ben : ok
Tegan : i wasn't the one who sent the messages i had no clue about them i was in the shower my cousin sent the messages as a joke .
Ben : a joke
Tegan: i done the same thing to her when i was younger and shes finally getting her pay back .
Ben ; its not a funny joke
Tegan ; maybe not now but its something to laugh about in the future
Ben: maybe 
Tegan ; u won't receive messages like that again I'll make sure to have my phone with me every where from now on
Ben ; u want to do something
Tegan; my cousins round but maybe tomrrow
Ben : yh tomrrows fine
Tegan: ok good
Ben : see u then
Tegan: see ya

I hang up

Tegan: your a cow
Nessa : pay backs a bitch
Tegan : yh yh can u do my hair please
Nessa : I'll rip it out
Tegan: of course u would
Nessa : what do u want
Tegan: to lazy to French braids myself so can u do it
Nessa : sit on the floor

I sit on the floor and she starts doing my hair

Nessa : god if i had moved in here we would be squished
Tegan: thank god u got back with him
Nessa ; this is his last chance
Tegan; he needs to sort his gambling problem out he can't rely on u to pay for everything
Nessa : i have nothing i feel awful borrowing money from nan but i just have nothing . I've told him i can't continue to pay for everything and pay for his gambling problems and he swears hes gonna sort himself out
Tegan: i hope he does sorts it out
Nessa : so do i but this is his last chance and then i am done
Tegan : yh
Nessa : and if it doesn't work out get ready for me because i will kick u out the bed and get rid of all your stuff
Tegan : u dare touch my stuff and your dead
Nessa : you'll be dead first

She pokes my side and i pitch her leg

Nessa ; bitch
Tegan : cow
Nessa : right your hairs done
Tegan: thank u

I sit back up on my bed

Nessa : I'd take this side of the bed
Tegan : u could i sleep the other side
Nessa ; no atchally I'll sleep the other side
Tegan ; its not happening anyway so no point in me getting annoyed and letting u get to me .
Nessa : your just saying that because u are annoying
Tegan: nope

She tickles my foot and lightly kick her leg and she slaps my leg and sit up slapping her and she slaps me again

Nessa : stop
Tegan: u stop
Nessa : grow up your the older one us
Tegan; only by 6 months 
Nessa : your still older so act it
Tegan ; bite me
Nessa : don't because i will
Tegan: meh
Nessa : meh
Tegan: your breath stinks

I burst out laughing

Nessa : your a fucking bitch
Tegan ; love u too

She looks at me pulling a face

Nessa : bye
Tegan: ahhh my bed byeee

I lay on my stomach spreading out like star fish

Nessa : I'm staying now

She sits on my back

Tegan: noooo get off me
Nessa : I'm comfortable
Tegan ; I'm not
Nessa : tuff
Tegan : why have u got such a boney ass
Nessa: because i have no shh

She moves around

Tegan: ow
Nessa : shut up
Tegan: get off
Nessa : noo
Tegan ; vanessa Marie st claire get the hell of me
Nessa : no tegan Penelope eze
Tegan: off I'm gonna pee myself

She starts laughing and she gets off

Tegan ; thank god

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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