Dad : I'm going to bed
Tegan: already
Dad : i start work at 6 in the morning so bed early
Tegan: oh ok night
Dad : have a safe flight message me when your about to take off
Tegan : i will I'll see u when I'm back
Dad : bye

He walks upstairs and i get up going upstairs getting my book and i head back down stairs turning on some music and i read my book for a while .

Tegan : screw it

I get my phone and i message ben

Teganeze : hey...I'm having a few frineds round on the 9th November for my birthday i was wondering if u wanted to come ?

Benchilwell: yh definitely

Teganeze: ok good

Benchilwell: so whats going to happening at your party

Teganeze : not a party a gathering and a few drinks talking maybe a film

Benchilwell : so nothing wild

Teganeze : no because i still live with my parents and to be honest none of my friends are the crazy wild type of people .

Benchilwell: kayleys wild

Teganeze : yes kayley is wild but she isn't coming

Benchilwell: how come she isn't going?

Teganeze : she doesn't like one of my friends i invited so she said she wouldn't go

Benchilwell: Can't she put her feelings aside for one night like u don't even have acknowledge them

Teganeze : no she can't but its fine

Benchilwell: why doesn't she like your friend

Teganeze : this girl tryed taking tom away from her

Benchilwell: oh ok makes sense why kayley doesn't like her to be honest I'd probably be the same if some guy tryed taking my girlfriend i wouldn't want to see them either .

Teganeze : i mean it isn't nice thinking that someone tryed taking your partner but then u have to think that your partner didn't want them and just prooves u have a hot parnter

Benchilwell: ok u have a fair point with the whole hot partner thing but maybe that person who tryed taking your partner wasn't there type but someone else could come along.

Teganeze : i know but in that moment in time u can be greatful that they didn't cheat. Because I'm sure theres a lot of people who would cheat

Benchilwell: yh ok i guess.... anyway move on from the whole cheating thing

Teganeze : yh not a great thing to talk about is it

Benchilwell: no not really

Teganeze : right I'll leave u be I'm going out for a bit

Benchilwell: where u going?

Teganeze : a drive I'm bored and I've decided to stay up all night

Benchilwell: need company?

Teganeze : i could use some company

Benchilwell: can i join

Teganeze: I'll come pick u up

He send his address over and i drive to his place picking him up

Ben ; hey
Tegan : hi u ok
Ben: yh are u ok
Tegan : yh
Ben : so explain why you've decided to stay up all night
Tegan : i go on holiday tomrrow and I'm not the best with flying i throw up the whole time so staying up all night so i can hopefully sleep as much as i can on the flight .
Ben: where u going on holiday
Tegan ; los Angeles
Ben : very nice what are u going to do there
Tegan ; a toy story themed Halloween party
Ben ; toy story
Tegan: yh were all still very childish
Ben ; i think thats pretty cool to be honest who are u gonna be
Tegan: a soldier all the main charters got taken

He starts laughing

Ben : thats sad
Tegan: aleast I'm a part of it
Ben : i guess so
Tegan: anyway I'm surprised u wanted to go for a drive don't u have training tomrrow
Ben ; u know what i do
Tegan: footballer
Ben ; how do u know i do football
Tegan: when we met i thought i recognised u and kinda guessed it was from football and kayley said that u are a footballer also i follow u on Instagram and you've posted about football.
Ben ; do u watch football
Tegan: yh
Ben ; what team do u support
Tegan: take a guess and its not Leicester
Ben ; oh i don't think i can be your friend now.
Tegan : your loss
Ben: right give me a hint
Tegan: there in the Premier League
Ben : such a great hint
Tegan: thats all your going to get
Ben ; Manchester United
Tegan: no
Ben ; where is the team located
Tegan: london
Ben : wait...Chelsea
Tegan : yh
Ben: why them
Tegan : to annoy my dad at first and then i atchally fell in love the club
Ben : like i said i don't think we can be friends
Tegan: who even said were friends
Ben ; oh wow

I burst out laughing

Ben : I'll just get out now then
Tegan : have a fun on your walk home 
Ben : i hope u throw up all of your flight tomorrow
Tegan : nah thats out of order

He starts laughing

Ben : no I'm joking we might be mates but i wish u a very peaceful safe flight

I look at him

Ben : honest to god truth wish u nothing but the best
Tegan: ok...i guess we could be friends
Ben : no i don't want it now
Tegan: your loss then hun
Ben : no i guess we could be
Tegan: thought u didn't want to be
Ben : i changed my mind
Tegan : ok
Ben : mates
Tegan : guess so
Ben : wheres your phone I'm putting better music on
Tegan : whats wrong with this music
Ben : whats right with it

I shake my head and i unlock my phone handing him my phone and he changes the music to rap

Ben : see this is better
Tegan : i was playing toms playlist
Ben : well then tom has awful tatse in music
Tegan: i like toms music tatse
Ben : no bad mines better
Tegan: i like them both
Ben : what your tatse in music
Tegan: to be honest apart from country i like all music but dolly Parton is the only country artist i like
Ben : my nan listenes to dolly Parton
tegan: so does mine
Ben : elvis Presley
Tegan: yep
Ben : tom jones
Tegan: also yes
Ben : elton John
Tegan: red red wine
Ben : what is it with all nans loveing the song red red wine
Tegan: my mum loves it aswell
Ben : mine to
Tegan : but it is a banger so its understandable
Ben ; good song but red wine itself isn't the best to drink
Tegan: agreed what do u drink
Ben ; its so boring but coke and vodka or some sort of beer but I'm not a massive drinker
Tegan: fair
Ben : what do u drink
Tegan : mostly beer but i will drink anything as long as it doesn't have coke or white rum me and white rum do not get along .
Ben ; bad experience
Tegan: awful
Ben ; we all have that 1 spirt that we can't touch
Tegan: what can't u touch
Ben ; sambuca
Tegan: hate sambuca
Ben : worst thing not only does it tatse like liquorice and its gets u messed up on so many levels
Tegan: I'm buying u sambuca for your birthday or Christmas which ever is closee
Ben : i will not drink it
Tegan: so u will waste it
Ben ; I'll give it away
Tegan: so disrespectful
Ben ; fine your getting white rum for your birthday
Tegan: ok...whats first for u birthday or Christmas
Ben : it can't be either my birthdays on the 21st of December and then 4 days later its Christmas
Tegan: oh my friend has the same birthday as u
Ben : so u should be able to rember
Tegan; yep I'll definitely remember to buy u sambuca
Ben : right your definitely getting white rum
Tegan: u don't have bothering
Ben ; oh I'm bothering
Tegan: no honestly don't worry
Ben : shut up your getting the white rum
Tegan : fuck

He starts laughing

Tegan: u ready to head back
Ben ; yh
Tegan : might have to direct me don't have a clue where i am
Ben : we aren't far from mine
Tegan : ok cool
Ben : what are u gonna do to keep yourself busy for the rest of the night
Tegan: read and tik tok
Ben ; read about your fictional men
Tegan: yes
Ben : ok
Tegan: what are u gonna do when u get home
Ben ; probably shower and go to sleep
Tegan: so jelouse u get to sleep
Ben ; hey u get to go to LA I'm stuck here in the cold
Tegan: I'm sorry
Ben : should be and go left here

I follow his directions and i take him home

Ben : thank u
Tegan: thats ok I'll see u in a bit
Ben : yh have fun in LA
Tegan : i will thank u
Ben : bye
Tegan : bye

He gets out and i drive off going home

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