Nessa : for once your dad answered the phone
Tegan; shock of the year
Nan : where is he
Nessa : hes finishing off making the bed and then hes going to pick stella up from work then they will be here to get more boxs 
Nan : ok
Tegan: i found the news letter about when u fell in the swamp
Nessa : i was telling my boyfriend about this the other day u kept this
Nan : you'll find I'll keep eveything somewhere in that you'll find a new letter of when u done that elf run with andy
Nessa : really
Tegan : she's a hoarder
Nessa : true
Nan : I'm not a hoarder i just like keeping stuff for memories
Nessa : so this empty perfume bottle is memories
Nan : its the first perfume i ever got
Me and nessa : throw it
Nan : yes
Nessa : yes u don't need it

She handa me the empty bottle and i put in the bin

Tegan : do u want coffee
Nan : yes please
Nessa : ew no but I'll have a hot chocolate
Tegan: ok

I get up going to the kitchen and i message ben

Teganeze : thank u again for last night

I put my phone down and i make me and my nan coffee and nessa hot chocolate

Nan : thank u
Nessa : oh look who finally decided to show up
Andy : hi
Nan : what time do u call this
Andy : i slept throw my alarms
Tegan: and about 50 calls
Nessa : i bet his phone was on silent 
Andy : no it wasn't
Nan : then why didn't u answer us
Andy : i just didn't hear them now what do u want me to do
Nessa : theres boxs in the conservatory that are heavy go put them in your car tegans mine and nans
Andy : ok.
Tegan: good luck
Nan : be careful if u can't lift any of them andy will be here shortly to pick up more stuff
Andy : ok is it just the stuff in here u have to pack then your done
Tegan : yh
Andy ; almost done then
Nessa : yh thanks for your help
Andy : shut up

He walks away and we all continue to pack up the rest of our nans stuff

Nessa : is that it
Nan : u can have a look around but that should be everyone packed
Tegan : we will get the boxs packed and then we will have a look around the house and make sure that is everything
Andy : that is all the boxs done
Nessa : the ones here
Andy : ohh
Tegan: we will help
Andy : thank god .

Me and nessa get up and us 3 take the boxs out the car and my mum and dad show up and pack that car with the remaining boxs

Mum : right u kids look around make sure thats everytime david u hover
Nessa : me and tegan will cheak upstairs
Tegan : ok

Me and nessa go upstairs and we cheak around uo there and it was all cleared

Tegan : clear
Mum : ok u can head back to mine and start unpacking the cars
Andy : ok
Nan : what about lunch I'm pretty peckish
Mum : head home and were pick up something on the way home
Nan ; ok
Dad : the roads are jam packed and accidents are happening so be careful
Nessa : andys the idiot driver tell him that
Dad ; be careful
Andy : I've been driving ages now i know how to drive
Mum : well still be careful
Nan ; see u at home
Mum : see u there
Tegan: bye

We walk out the door getting in ours cars and we all go back to mine

Nan : relax untill stella and david come home you've done enough for now
Nessa : me ans tegan have andys jack shit
Andy : I've done a lot of lifting
Nan : just relax

I sit down and i go on my phone

Benchilwell: thats ok hows your knee today ?

Teganeze : hurts like a bitch

Benchilwell: better be resting it

Teganeze: no chance of resting today my nans moving in with me we just finished packing her stuff up and now we got to unpack it all again

Benchilwell: well rest tomrrow

Teganeze : i will hows your days been

Benchilwell: boring but nice I've just chilled and packed got a last minute call up for the England squad so heading to training tomorrow

Teganeze : wow thats really cool

Benchilwell: are u going to be watching the football

Teganeze : yes of course Me and my dad have already dibbed the front room for the evening

Benchilwell : ok good

Teganeze ; u existed

Benchilwell: always existed to get a call up but can also be scareing its a massive responsibility

Teganeze: i bet

Benchilwell : don't be jelouse I'm about to go play side by side with some Chelsea players

Teganeze : so out of order

Benchilwell: any chance i can convince u to become a Leicester fan

Teganeze ; no chance

Benchilwell: thats out of order

Teganeze : no it isn't

Benchilwell: yes it is

Teganeze : what ever... i gotta go I'll talk to u soon

Benchilwell; before u go can i ask something?

Teganeze: yh

Benchilwell: don't worry just rest your knee when u cam talk later

Tegan ; alright

I put my phone down and i stand up and my mum comes in with sandwiches and we all eat and then we go start brining all the boxs

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