Tom : morning
Tegan: hey kayley got called into work to fill in some paper work sam has eaten and him and Luca are playing in sams room
Tom : ok so i don't need to do anything u know your welcome to stay all the time if your gonna feed sam
Tegan: u know if i moved in with u , u would want me to move out within the first day
Tom : yh don't move in
Tegan: don't worry i won't

I then get a message on Instagram

Benchilwell : hey i messaged kayley but she said shes out and that u might still be at hers. if u are can u cheak to see if my wallets theres .

Teganeze : still at kayleys I'll have a look for u

Benchilwell : thank u

I put my phone down

Tegan: have u seen a wallet
Tom : i haven't why
tegan: bens lost his wallet i guess and he just wants me to see if its here
Tom : ah ok I'll have a look
Tegan: thanks

I get up from the sofa and move the pillows around and i cheak under the sofa pillows

Tegan: got it
Tom ; where was it.
Tegan: fell down the gap in the sofa
Tom : did u find anything else the sofa swollows every thing up
Tegan : i haven't
Tom : ok
Tegan : I'll say i have it

I get my phone and i message

Teganeze : it was behind the sofa

Benchilwell : thank god i didn't lose it for good thank u for looking

Teganeze : its fine I'm leaving kayleys in a minute so should i hand it to tom

Benchilwell: where are u going?

Tegan : dropping my brother back to my mum and dads and then i got to head to work for a induction

Benchilwell: i have training till 5

Teganeze : i finish work at 5:30 so i can just drop it u if u want

Benchilwell: I'll come to your work it will probably work out better that way if thats ok ?

Teganeze: yh thats fine meet me outside so do u want me to send u where i work

Benchilwell: if u could

I send over my work location and i call for luca

Tegan : right say thank u for having us
Luca : thank u
Tom : your always welcome
Tegan: thank u
Luca : thays ok
Sam ; bye Luca
Luca : bye sam
Tegan : see u soon little man
Sam : bye bye
tegan: bye
Tom : get home safe
Tegan: thanks

We walk out the door getting in my car and i drive home and i wake my mum and dad up and i unpack my stuff from last night and i then i get in my uniform

Mum : wow the uniform looks good
Tegan: yh it don't look bad how was work last night
Mum : very busy but when is the hospital not busy
Tegan ; same as always
Mum : yh thank u for looking after luca last night
Tegan: its fine
Mum : right shouldn't u be leaving for work
Tegan: leaving now I'll see u later
Mum : love u
Tegan: yh love u too

I walk out the door and i drive to the ambulance station and i head inside and this women show me and this other guy around introduces us to some of the other works and tell us everything we need to know etc.

Tegan : thank u

I walk out the station

Ben : hey
Tegan: jesus bloody christ
Ben : sorry didn't mean to make u jump
Tegan : i like totally blanked u were coming here but i do have your wallet some where

I cheak my pockets

Tegan: this uniform has so many pockets
Ben : why does it need so many pockets
Tegan: for equipment its got to be in my car
Ben : ok

He gets out his car

Ben : can't believe it took me untill this morning to realise i didn't have my wallet on me
Tegan : and it feel heavy surely u would have noticed
Ben : i usually feel it in my pocket but i was so tired last night that wasn't paying attention
Tegan : luckey u only lost it at kayleys
Ben : i had cheaked pockets all around my house in my car and i couldn't find it and when u said u had it i was happy . My wallet has everything in it
Tegan: so if u didn't leave it at kayleys u would have been screwd
Ben : very screwed

I open my car door and go going to glove compatment

Ben : thank u much
Tegan : thats ok
Ben : will not be loseing that again
Tegan : good
Ben : thank u again
Tegan: its ok
Ben : right I'll let u go I'll see u soon
Tegan: yh see u round bye
Ben: bye

I get in my car and i start driving and i call my mum

Mum : hello
Tegan; I'm head to the shop do u need anything
Mum : your dad says beer
Tegan: what beer
Mum ; he says what ever beer has a deal on
Tegan; ok and u or luca
Mum ; just get some chocolate I'll send over some money for your dada beers
Tegan : ok
Mum : why are u going to the shop
Tegan : when i go to LA it will be chelseys birthday so I'm getting her some chocolate because when she visited here she said that she really liked the chocolate.
Mum : ok well be safe
Tegan ; i will see ya shortly

I hang up and i head to Tesco getting the stuff i need and i head home

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