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Tegan: hey twix

I sit on the floor and my cat just runs away from me

Tegan ; i just sat on the floor for u

I stand up

Nan; u have mess on butt

I wipe my butt

Tegan: clean and i do i look ok
Nan : all clean and u look fine
Tegan; u sure
Nan ; yes u look fine u always look fine
Tegan: no I've had some questionable outfits
Nan ; well u look fine now

The door then goes

Tegan : shit...I'll see tomrrow
Nan : have fun
Tegan: i will

I go to the door

Ben ; hey
Tegan: hi u ok
Ben : yh u
Tegan : yh
Ben: u look nice
Tegan : oh thank u , u look nice aswell
Ben ; thanks

We get in the taxi and it takes us into town

Ben ; he was a happy driver
Tegan ; oh so happy...he was atchally so moody
Ben : what was his problem
Tegan  : god knows but forget him and his negative energy and get inside i am so cold already
Ben: i should have bought a jacket because I'm cold aswell
Tegan: your atchally crazy for not brining anything
Ben : i forgot and walk faster
Tegan: I'm walking as fast as i can

He grabs my hand and we walk as fast as we can and we go to cocktail place and we look throw the menu and we order our drink

Tegan : so i have something to ask why did u back out of asking me on a date at first
Ben : nerves i haven't asked anyone on a date in a very long time
Tegan: been a long time since u were in a relationship
Ben : yh me and my ex broke up at the beginning of the year
Tegan: so coming up a year
Ben: yh
Tegan: how come that ended
Ben ; neither of us could travel much to each other so we broke up
Tegan: so it was long distance
Ben : yh

Our drinks arrive

Tegan : mmm try that
Ben : try mine

We swap drinks

Ben : prefer mine
Tegan; mine was better
Ben ; good thing we went for our drinks
Tegan : yh
Ben ; so this is something I'm curious about how did u and tom date and then tom and kayley and u be so close to kayley
Tegan: me and tom went to college together and we got talking started going out and it was just really awkward and wasn't much of a relationship so we broke up . Stayed great friends and then him and kayley got together and we all hung out and me and kayley just become great friends straight away .
Ben ; i don't think i could so that hang out with my ex and there new partner even if it wasn't anytime serious i couldn't do it
Tegan : everyones different some people can stay friends with there exs others can't i think it just depends on why u break up and few other factors
Ben : guess so...should we move on from exs
Tegan : probably a good idea
Ben : but then we are learning about each other
Tegan: I'm sure we have plently time to learn about each others exs
Ben : i guess
Tegan: unless u done something really shitty in your relationship that I'd like to know now
Ben ; swear I've never done anything shitty
Tegan: ok
Ben; have u done anything shitty and looking throw there phone counts as being shitty
Tegan: no I'm a very trusting person untill that person gives me a reason to not trust them then i will ask them straight and again i have trust that person will be honest. 
Ben ; then u have way to much trust in people
Tegan: been told that but in the most part its worked out

This women comes over and we order more drinks

Ben : right what is your favourite animal now this is make or break
Tegan: a make or break question
Ben : yes
Tegan : cats
Ben : nooo
Tegan : u a dog person
Ben ; yes don't get me wrong cats are nice but dogs are just better
Tegan : no cats are
Ben ; there just weird 
Tegan: u have to walk dogs and pick up there poop with cats they have there own independence
Ben : i know but dogs are better they can sence when somethings wrong and there just better.

my everything/ ben chilwellWhere stories live. Discover now