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Tegan ; oiii we need to go
Madelyn: I'm ready
Drew ok
Madelyn: so excited to finally meet kayley in person
Drew : don't we know it

They get up and we walk out the door and we walk about 10 minutes to kayleys

Kayley : what the fuck have u done to your hair
Tegan ; i went brunette what do u think
Kayley ; i love it when did u do this
Tegan: yesterday
Kayley: love it
Tegan: thanks

I move out the way and madelyn and kayley hug

Kayley: so nice to finally meet u both in person
Madelyn : I've been so excited to see u
Drew : its nice to finally meet u aswell
Kayley ; this is insane never thought this day would come
Madelyn: its been long awaited
Kayley: it really has
Tegan; it finally happened
Kayley ; yes just come in make yourself at home
Tegan: what do u guys want to drink
Drew : beer
Madelyn: I'll make things easy and have a beer aswell

I put my bag down and i hand everyone a beer and i put the bag in the kitchen and we sit down

Tegan; how was France
Kayley ; i loved france cold but loved it
Drew ; i want to go to France
Tegan; because u atchally speak the language
Kayley: teach me French half of my boyfriends family is french and he refuses to teach me French
Drew : my french isn't amzing
Madelyn: better then the rest of ours
Drew : still not great

The door then goes and kayley goes

Madelyn : wheres her boyfriend and son
Tegan: they stayed in france a few more days
Drew : we should do a last minute trip to france
Madelyn: we aren't made of money
Tegan: we are already doing a last minute trip to London
Madelyn; and the trip to England was already a last minute thing
Drew : whats one more last minute trip
Tegan: we will see
Kayley: and we are all together
Ben: hi

I look at him

Kayley ; ben this is madelyn and drew guys this is ben
Madelyn: hi
Ben ; hi
Madelyn: drews trying to convince us to do a last minute trip to France
Kayley ;do france is beautiful
Tegan ; let us think about it
Drew : fine
Ben; i really like your hair
Tegan : thanks
Kayley: oh thats what i was going to ask drew what was with u holding that knife in that video .
Drew : i was cooking food and nick started going on and i was watching and they made it seem like i was murder by holding the knife.
Kayley: are u murder
Drew ; no
Madelyn: he is on the new show we've been working on
Kayley: has he rubbed off on u
Drew : no I'm a good person i swear
Madelyn: might have rubbed off a little
Drew : no
Tegan: I'll be back

I get up and i go to the toilet and i do my business and i walk out and i open another beer

Ben : u ok
Tegan: mmm are u
Ben ; yh I'm good
Tegan : cool cool
Ben : any chance we can hang out this week
Tegan : they aren't here long so i want to spend all the time i can with them
Ben : when they go
Tegan: when they leave I'll be catching up on work I've missed
Ben ; well surely you'll have a day off

I shrug my shoulders

Ben : are u being off with me because i saw someone else or i have done something
Tegan: u didn't tell me we spoke everyday and u didn't tell me once u were seeing other people it would have been nice of knowen . Maybe I'm over reacting but oh well
Kayley; everything ok
Ben : yh
Kayley : tegan
Tegan : yh all good
Kayley ; ok

She walks out the kitchen

Ben ; i understand where your coming from and i agree i should have told u or maybe we should have discussed seeing other people
Tegan ; maybe we should have
Ben : i have cut it off with the other girl
Tegan: cool
Ben ; i am sorry
Tegan ; ok
Ben ; can we go back to how we were
Tegan : yes but we do need to discuss some stuff another
Ben: i agree
Tegan; ok good lets go let join the others
Ben ; yh

We walk out the kitchen and i get a message

Tegan: oh hell yh my friend got us the tickets
Drew : yes

We high five

Madelyn:i know Christian i could have just asked him
Kayley: whats this
Tegan: going to Chelsea v arsenal tomorrow
Kayley: ohh football
Ben : oi
Kayley: sorry but its just boring
Ben : thats just insulting
Drew: football is not boring
Ben ; thank u
Madelyn; i litrally only like it when a friend is playing
Ben ; know many footballers
Madelyn: Christian pulisic and some other footballers but they aren't pros
Ben : how do u know pulisic
Madelyn: had family from Pennsylvania and once i visited met Christian and we become friends and we talk every now and then.
Ben : ah ok
Kayley ; oh football talk really
Tegan : yes
Ben : what team do u guys support
Madelyn: has to be Carolina united
Drew : Carolina aswell
Madelyn: best team in the world
Drew : don't think my sister would agree but yes
Kayley : can we stop with football now
Ben ; fine
Madelyn; I'm not atchally feeling well and we have to be up early to get to London
Tegan: we should go but we go out for lunch soon
Kayley : definitely nice to finally meet u
Madelyn : and u we need to meet again before i leave
Kayley ; I'm sure we will
Drew ; nice meeting u both
Ben ; and u
Kayley : I'll see u round
Tegan ; see ya
Ben ; bye
All of us : byee

We get up walking out the door ans we head home

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