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Nan ; hi
tegan: hi how was your day
Nan : it was good went and had coffee with friends and u just missed nessa
Tegan: i saw her when i pulled into the road
Nan : good how was your day
Tegan: awful had man not to much older then me died in the ambulance
Nan : no
Tegan : yh he was unconscious we were driving him to St Barnabas and i had keep cheaking he was alive and 3 minutes before we got to st Barnabas he stoped breathing start doing all i can and when we got there they just said time of death . So that was horrible
Nan : sounds awful
Tegan it was thats why I'm going to shower and chill out
Nan : don't forget your dinner
Tegan: not in the mood to eat at the minute
Nan : well make sure u do
Tegan: i will

I go upstairs to my room and i get out my work clothes and i sit down going on my phone

Ben : hey

Tegan ; hey u ok saw u win today

Ben : yh feeling pretty great after todays game

Tegan: good

Ben ; hows your day been

Tegan: awful

Ben : what happened

Tegan: just a tuff day nothing a shower won't fix

Ben ; ok enjoy your shower

Tegan: i will talk to u soon

I put my phone down and i get up going to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and teeth and i go to my room laying down and i read my book for a bit.

Nan: tegan

I get up and i stand at the top of thr stairs

Tegan: yh
Nan ; come here

I go down the stairs

Tegan : ben
Ben : hi
Tegan : what are u doing here
Ben ; u said u had a ruff day so i wanted to bring u chocolate
Tegan: u didn't have to do that
Ben: i know but i wanted to
Tegan : thank u come in
Ben : ok
Tegan: were gonna go upstairs
Nan : I'm going to go to bed in a minute so make sure eat
Tegan: will do

We go upstairs to my room

Tegan ; do u want anything to eat or drink
Ben ; I'm ok thank u
Tegan : u know u really didn't have to come round
Ben : i know but i wanted to
Tegan ; well thank u
Ben ; what happend
Tegan: paient died while transporting them and he was only a few years older then me
Ben : oh shit that must of been horrible to see
Tegan : just wasn't expecting it
Ben: i bet
Tegan : enough of that i want to try move on from it how was the win today
Ben ; oh so good i thought it was going to be draw and then last minute madders got that goal it was amazing and why do u have a poster of butts on your wall .

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : my friends are in a band and they thought for a lyric video they would run in the desert butt naked so they did and then they turned into merch . So when i went and saw them preform they gave me poster a t-shirt and jumper all with there butts on
Ben : so there butts are on the internet
Tegan: yes
Ben : please go out in public and wear the shirt and jumper of there butts
Tegan : i do
Ben ; well i haven't seen it yet so u need to wear it again
Tegan : one day

I lean back on the head bored and i hold on to his hand

Tegan ; come here

He moves up by me and i look at him and i lean over kissing him

Ben : how many books do u own
Tegan : to many
Ben : have u read all of them
Tegan: yh
Ben ; how
Tegan : what do u mean
Ben : theres just so many and they all look like there thick books
Tegan: I've been reading a long time and on the days i have nothing to i read about 4 books .
Ben : a day
Tegan : yh
Ben : nah fuck that your weird
Tegan: I'm not weird
Ben : yes u are 4 books a day
Tegan: your weird football all day
Ben ; thats my career
Tegan: still weird
Ben ; not as weird as u 4 books
Tegan: oh what ever
Ben : it isn't me being mean
Tegan : i know
Ben ; ok i just wanted to make sure
Tegan: ok well i knew
Ben : good
Tegan : but your defantly the weirdo
Ben ; no chance
Tegan : yes

He shakes his head

Ben : enough now
Tegan: fine

He leans down kissing me and i kiss him back

Tegan : are u going to kayleys party tomrrow
Ben : I'll probably go for a bit are u going
Tegan: yh going after work
Ben : what time do u finish tomrrow
Tegan: 10 so I'll probably get to the party at 11 11:30 latest
Ben ; how long is this party going to last
Tegan: shes got the space till 10 in the morning so probably 10
Ben ; would u stay that whole time
Tegan: probably because this is the last time I'll see kayley untill February so I'll want to spend all the time i can with her
Ben ; why February
Tegan: shes going to france untill Christmas and i go away on 27th till mid January and when i get back she goes back France
Ben : where are u going
Tegan : back to LA vegas and new york
Ben ; luckey
Tegan; see LA is for me to see my friends and then vegas is my mums 40th birthday present her wish has always to go there so taking her there . New york is my nans wish so I'm taking her
Ben: what about your dad
Tegan: i took him to Amsterdam in the summer
Ben : did u guys get high
Tegan: i didn't i got scared but my dad did and threw up all weekend
Ben ; oh no
Tegan: it was disgusting he smelt the room out thank god i didn't have to share
Ben; yh
Tegan: have u been high
Ben : i haven't but i would try it but i think i had be surrounded by people i trust and in the right mind set
Tegan: thats fair enough
Ben : yh...oh hello cat
Tegan; hello my little girl
Ben ; whats her name
Tegan: twix
Ben : like the chocolate
Tegan: yes
Ben ; why is she just looking at me
Tegan: your in her spot
Ben ; she has her own spot
Tegan: yh it kinda just happend
Ben ; I'll move
Tegan : are u atchally moving because of a cat
Ben : yes
Tegan : don't

I move over putting my legs over his and he moves over and we look at each other and he kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw and he puts his hand on my back . He swipes his tongue against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . He pulls me ontop of him and i pull his shirt off

And u know what happend

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