Tegan: I'm going home
Emma ; what
Tegan ; I'm going home
Emma : why
Dani : what did she say
Emma ; shes going home
Dani : why
Tegan: my knee hurts
Dani ; just drink and it will pass
Tegan: no I'm going home
Dani ; babe
Tegan ; it hurts like a bitch I'm going home
Dani : fine be boring
Emma ; bye
Tegan: yh bye

I walk off the dance floor and i slowly walk down the stairs and i walk down the road to the taxi rank and i wait in the line and i go on my phone and ben messages me

Benchilwell; are u at the taxi rank in town ?

Teganeze : how do u know that ?

Benchilwell: just drove past u where u going

Teganeze : home

Benchilwell: I've parked by the car park come to me and I'll drop u home its on the way back

Teganeze : are u sure ?

Benchilwell: yes

I get out the line for the taxis and i walk round to the car park

Tegan: thank u for this
Ben : that's ok
Tegan: what are u doing out
Ben : just finshed being with some mates and as i drove past the taxi rank i was like i swear thats tegan
Tegan: u were right
Ben ; its only 12 I'm surprised your coming home now
Tegan ; was meant to be out all night
Ben ; did your friends take drugs
Tegan: no going into the club theres stairs and i fell up them hurting my knee and it kills

He starts laughing

Ben ; u fell up the stairs
Tegan: shut up
Ben ; lets see
Tegan; haven't atchally seen it myself

I turn on the light

Tegan: ooo
Ben ; what the fuck
Tegan: that looks disgusting
Ben ; yh that looks disgusting its all deformed
Tegan : I'll just go home and rest it
Ben ; i think maybe a&e would be better it looks broken
Tegan: I'd be waiting all night
Ben ; please go to a&e it doesn't look right
Tegan : fine I'll go

I turn the light off

Ben ; I'll come with
Tegan; you'll be waiting hours
Ben : you'll be on your own also I'm kinda your taxi now
Tegan: uhh

He carrys on driving and we get the hospital and i sign myself in and we sit in the waiting room

Tegan; i hate this , this is the first time I've had to go to the hospital without my mum
Ben ; your 21
Tegan ; I'm not great at speaking to strangers
Ben : u spoke to me
Tegan : this doctor is a complete stranger with u kayley she knew u which made it better
Ben ; ok
Tegan: anyway how was your night
Ben ; it was nice seeing some Mates i hadn't seen in a while it was a good night
Tegan: and now your about to rewin it by sitting here for hours
Ben ; i haven't got training its not often i get a late night maybe this isn't where I'd choose to spend it but aleast neither one of us is alone .
Tegan: u could go home u would have a lot more fun there
Ben : dout it
Tegan : ok
Ben ; how is your knee
Tegan; hurts like a bitch
Ben : i bet its broken
Tegan: i can still walk
Ben ; still think its broken or maybe dislocated
Tegan: it atchally disgusting the way my knee is pointing
Ben : i hate agreeing but it does
Tegan: oh my god i have a dress on if someone makes me lay down and they move my knee around they will see everything

He starts laughing

Tegan : no its not funny
Ben : doctors see it all the time
Tegan: fine give me your trousers and they can see all of u
Ben : no your the one who fell over and ended up in a&e how much did u even drink
Tegan: i haven't had a sip i started work today and didn't end till 11 so i quickly went home got ready and went straight to club and got hurt
Ben : that makes it even worse u didn't even have a drink u could have blamed the alcohol

He starts laughing and i poke him

Ben : hey
Tegan : we've already said our heys

He shakes his head and i get my phone going on tik tok and ben leans over watching and i lean on the side of the chair holding onto his arm and i lean my head on his shoulder and we watch tik toks together for ages and i was so cold bored and tired i just wanted to be home .

Ben ; how long have we been waiting
Tegan : to long...just go home go sleep anything would be better then this
Ben ; no no I'm ok
Tegan: luckey u cause I'm struggling to stay awake
Ben : I'll see if i can find a coffee machine because I'm struggling aswell
Tegan: just go
Ben : no

He gets up walking around and i lean back in the seat closeing my eyes

Ben ; hey coffee

He nudges my leg and i sit back up

Tegan : thank u how much do u want
Ben ; u can get the next shitty coffee
Tegan; ok
Ben ; your knee better not turn out to be nothing
Tegan : your a footballer u witness people hurting there knees all the time maybe u would be able to know
Ben ; i might see it happen and have a physical but still doesn't make me a doctor
Tegan: what got u into football
Ben: i played a lot of sport growing up but football was the sport i enjoyed most
Tegan: how long have u been playing
Ben ; i think i was 3 when i started
Tegan: so almost 20 years of football
Ben ; that makes me sound so old but yes almost 20
Tegan: what other sport did u play
Ben : cricket rugby football basketball
Tegan: so a bit
Ben : yh did u play any sports
Tegan ; pretty much the same as u rugby cricket football basketball netball dodge ball karate and if u count street dancing then that aswell
Ben : when did u have chance to be a kid
Tegan: i decided to do it all no one forced me its all stuff i wanted to do and enjoy
Ben ; ok
Tegan ; now u won't catch me doing anything sports related

He starts laughing

Ben ; u done enough sports for a life time
Tegan: i think u have if you've been playing almost 20 years
Ben : I'll play for another 20 if its possible
Tegan: u would be 43
Ben : oh my god
Man : tegan eze
Ben ; I'll wait here
Tegan: ok

I get up and i follow the doctor into the room and he asks some questions and i answer them and then i had to lay on the bed while cheaked my knee out

Tegan ; thank u

I walk out the door and i go to ben nudging him

Ben ; hmm what did he say
Tegan; haematoma
Ben ; i know what a haematoma is good luck
Tegan ; hes given me some medication to take so he said it will help
Ben : lets get it
Tegan ; pharmacy is closed I'll get it tomrrow so we can go home
Ben ; ok

He sticks his hand out and i grab it pulling him up and grabs my shoulders and we slowly walk out of a&e back to his car

Ben : i am going straight to bed
Tegan: that makes 2 of us
Ben ; please don't get hurt again
Tegan; u could have gone
Ben : wasn't going to leave u alone
Tegan: i would have been fine
Ben : oh well
Tegan: thank u for this u really didn't have to
Ben ; thats ok but now if i get hurt u have to stick around for me.
Tegan : i will but try avoid getting hurt please
Ben ; the last thing i want is to get hurt so trust me i won't be
Tegan: good
Ben ; no more falling up stairs
Tegan; no promises

He shakes his head and i let out a little laugh and he carrys on driving untill we get to mine

Tegan : thank u for tonight and sorry
Ben ; its fine really just go sleep
Tegan: u sleep
Ben ; i will
Tegan : night
Ben : night

I get out the car walking inside and i go straight upstairs

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